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With my small runes, I couldnt do the same thing. Youre the Bone Man now. While Draco dressed for breakfast, Hadrian reflected on his last actions as the Bone Man. Amazingly competent Harry, he's powerful, is dark, no romance and it explores time travel, evil, and has a bit of cannabalism. Big enough after all, he whispered, reaching in and taking hold of the organ. Youre a real Black now, and an heir to Salazar Slytherin. Not even they would do this to their own child, especially not just for being magic! Severus was appalled by the thought. Draco considered his answer for a long moment. Thank you, Great Royal. How could he place a boy he meant to be a Savior with people who tried to kill him repeatedly? I like Gallus. Hadrian had a duty to protect his second-in-command, after all. Where should we put your personal mark?. Theyre like ticks, and I am a butcher who opens veins with a knife. The ritual he used was one he created, a mix of two others. If we apparate, I can switch your bone with a fake, then switch them back when Im done. Perhaps youve heard of me? The boy gave a cold smirk. Linkffn(Lesser Evils by Scott Press). The younger Malfoy could still feel the presence laying lightly across his mind. ""To live""Wasn't I just doing that? //The very last thing is my signature. Sirius let Dumbles use the Black townhouse in London as the Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. I don't own Harry potter it belongs to J.K.Rowling Now they could finally speak freely. Rabastan abandoned to reach out for Hadrian. Magically Powerful Harry Potter - Works | Archive of Our Own When they were finally on the train and in an empty compartment, Draco smiled at him. They were the true monsters. That was until Kiara stepped into his life, like a breath of fresh air or a storm on a hot summers night. Perhaps Dolohov could enlighten us on what else Lord Black can do? The man in question gulped. And how did I not know?, //I marked him while he was in Azkaban. He pulled out several vials of a black liquid and one of a silver potion. Im merely surprised, Albus waved away the comment. . this is Harry the dark lord story and in this story is real name is Harrison emys magic death. Merlin bless Hadrian Riddle-Black for joining the Dark Lord and making him sane once more. Would you not have been safer here? As he asked, he reached out for the boys mind, planning to search through the memories the question would bring up. Strong men rise from such beginnings, and powerful gifts can be gained in terrible curses. Then he started burning. He held up his hands. Youre free now, and we will protect you. Whenwhen Sirius died, he named me his heir. Will the wards really remove the Order from Grimmauld Place? Hadrian gave his most evil smirk in response. That day, my parents and sister who were all working abroad suddenly told me that I was a second-generation rich with trillions of dollars in wealth!Gerald Crawford: I am a second-generation rich? Rabastans were also sealed with a Dementors life, but Ive done others with animals. The exceptions, he noted, were Lord Voldemort and Lucius, both of whom had felt him before and eagerly welcomed him back into their mindscapes. The King held him tighter, soothing him with his mind and his cold hands. Gallus Hadrian Black exists in his place, but I prefer Hadrian to Gallus. Evidently, he had ceased his other conversations and everyone at the table was feeling the same effect, because they all turned to look at him. Harry grows up in a loving family where he get's. Completed ginny fanfiction soulbond +15 more # 5 Ang Asawa kong Tinitingala ng Lahat Skykissing Wolf Optimist Dominant Powerful Boss / CEO Billionaire Marriage leveling up Son-in-Law urban. He told me where it was so I could make a portkey. Voldemort was glad to have Hadrian. She and Albus had both wondered what would happen to the Black title if Harry had died. No one knows what happened or why his corpse was taken. I hope to see him at the specified date. This Gallus Black was a child prodigy, to have taken NEWTs two years early. No male slash please (with regards to the main characters involvement). Harry was the true boy-who-lived, who beat Voldemort. Book 2 - Her Cold-Hearted Alpha ! Ginny Weasley was the source of the outburst. He pulled the happiness out of Dolohov, worse than any Dementor could. Hadrian seemed to mull the new information over before a sudden smile appeared. Can the rest of you leave, please? I do hope no one leaves their wand behind, Hadrian finished innocently. He can turn souls into pure energy, and he gave me Vances. He was meant to protect them as they had protected him, and he cared for them. Has Dumbles heard about me yet? Hadrian asked eagerly. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU MONSTERS! the purple man shouted. I doubt there is a force on earth that could keep the Bone Man out. He wore the same black robe as with Lucius. Evan Rosier. Ragged marks covered his wrists and arms, bondage scars. Thank you.. Ten years later, Albus Dumbledore descends upon the Potter manor with a Hogwarts acceptance letter in his hand. Tested against enemies old and new, he learns that power requires sacrifices, revenge, doubly so. The pendant was made of a light-weight white substance that, after a moment, he realized was bone. //Hadrian,// the teen interrupted, //or Black or Bone Man. How cold my mind was, so empty and alone! The whole situation was exceedingly strange. He felt Hadrians pain and came and got me.. Voldemort paced his private sitting room at Malfoy Manor. Lets merge Harry Potter and Buffy in an enjoyable way, Harry Potter & Daphne Greengrass FANFIC collection. //Ask, Hadrian. Of course. Ive kept them all glamoured since the first day of school. Hadrian gasped as he suddenly understood. The boys quickly become inseparable and are determined to help each other down their paths to build a life together. Hadrian focus intently on his work. They are rathernortorious. It wasquite impressive. The boy had vanished from the Hogwarts Express almost two months ago. Now, he has a final fight against Voldemort. I find boasting vulgar and distasteful, so you may be assured that I speak the truth about my power. If Hadrian had not been so nervous, he might have laughed at Snapes floundering. Will they be broken? Rabastan did look very anxious. Unlike the creatures, he did not actually feed on her happiness, but the feeling she got was the same. Rabastan dutifully bared both wrists to the Dark Lord. And the letter was written in Parseltongue. His eyes were piercing and intense, the eerie color of the Killing Curse. He turned to the teen in his lap. Femharrypotter Stories - Wattpad What can I do? You promised, you said it was in his will!, I know, Mr. Weasley. No slash, no bashing, Crouch Sr is alive. The pendant is not the original container, but it is a better one. Hadrian grinned at the blond and shut his jaw with gentle fingers. Time to give them all a shock, he thought as he let his mental presence seep into the room and over their minds. They taught me Latin, German, and some Old English and Old Saxon. Not even Albus himself, or that genius boy Tom Riddle had managed that. I felt only a slight cold wind, his warning I suppose, but Dolohov cried. No, the Dementors are kind to me. As soon as this letter passes through the wards, the private family rooms and the Black library will seal. //But he is still a student. He is the only non-Pureblood in Slytherin, and Salazar in entranced by the boy's way of navigating the politics of his House. The records are sealed after that point, but the goblins tell me that the current Lord Black is not Harry Potter but one Gallus Hadrian Black. Gesturing to be quiet, the boy pointed to the door to a cupboard under the stairs. Dracos gonna have you all to himself. Why do you have no memory of making it? Seventy years ago, a boy who would be his equal was born at the meeting point of winter and fall. Unlike any Legilimency he had ever felt, it did not search through his thoughts or memories, but merely asserted its presence in his mindscape. There, he meets Tom Riddle, his mysterious roommate, eventual best friend, and the love of his life. Before Draco or Rabastan could react, the Dementor King pulled the Wizard-Lord into his cloak, surrounding and protecting him. The strongest were those of Severus Snape, but even those fell before the Bone Man. Ten years of Boy! and Dont ask questions! and Go to your cupboard! and No food for a week! Hadrian angrily wiped away his tears. The Bone-Sign you gave us is more important than blood., //This is your family, my Wizard,// the King added. Hadrians killing would save the whole family a great deal of suffering. Theres no Occlumens that can keep a Dementor out, after all.. He continued to speak. All of them were dull, boring, tedious. Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me, it was wonderful.. Beneath, the boy was wearing a black short-sleeve shirt with a v-shaped collar, showing off a choker of tiny bones around his neck. Inside was another envelope, addressed to Lucius Malfoy, and a short note. I am looking for similar fics. Shall we find out? He had known the interrogation was coming sooner or later. Shall I show you my true self, the one you helped create? Hadrian let his runes show through, bringing life to the Bone Man. As the familiar presence swept across his mind, Lucius did not even try to shield himself. I plan to make Draco to me what Lucius is to you, and Ill carry out his little task myself.// Potter was all grins now. Harry now has to. Take Draco as your second in command. His left eye, on the unmarred side of his face, was the same black as Bellas, but there was a ring of red the same color as his own in the center. My faithful, this is the Bone Man. Your most trusted should meet me as soon as possible, and as Lord Black, but I want the masses to know me only as the Bone Man. In a couple days, Dumbles is gonna get a letter about enrolling Lord Gallus Hadrian Black as a sixth year at Hogwarts. No doubt hell be sorted into Slytherin and in need of a friend.//, //Only if he wishes to, Lord Malfoy. Voldemort vanished the bowl and knives. The mismatched eyes fixed upon the Headmaster with a calculating gaze. Essentially Ron and Hermione abandon him more in book 4 which sparks a lot of darkness in him. Cherry Lemonade will have spare time eventually! Harry reached up and lowered his hood and cowl slowly. I was, once. Voldemort had never considered casting in parseltongue. But she was born without one of the basic abilities of a wolf. Rabastan was thoughtful. Mine and the Dementor Kings. The abrupt change was almost disturbing. They were seated facing each other on the hardwood floor of Blacks bedroom. Wrong, Petunia, Hadrian said in a voice like ice, dropping his glamours. Him? The Stag and The Flower by ReluctantSidekick, Harry Potter and the Magical Wands by Lethum, The Wizard Who Meddled With Time by TeamOtters, Harry Potter and the Path of Chaos by DarkLordRising, Harry Potter and The Problem with Life Debts by proton104, Harry Potter and the Path to Greatness by LignumVitae86, The Fire Bird, Act 1 by Demonic Slytherin224, Harry Potter: Rise of the Technomancers by Agent Perry the Platypus, Harry Potter and the Veela Bond by DrgnMstr, Harry Potter and the Scenra Cwna by Duriel, Harry Potter and the Male Veela by MarcieJackson, The son of Lord Voldemort by Shopaholic1369, Harry Potter and the Wastelands of time by joe6991, https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13634783/1/A-Different-Kind-of-War, https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13025350/4/From-Ruin, (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). He claimed there were blood wards around the Dursleys home that would keep me safe from any Death Eater attacks. Ive lost count myself. The boy held the Death Eaters shoulders tightly and laughed, a sound of pure happiness that Lucius could feel roll across his mindscape. A dash of magic and he could make it writhe and the jaw open and close. Besides, shes not dead yet, just a shell.//. The boy had last been seen on the train home from Hogwarts, but had disappeared by the time the train had reached Platform 9 . He wondered just how powerful this new man was. A good one is Cadmean Victory. The Light was claiming he had been taken by Death Eaters. Five weeks later, he remembers. He continued to speak aloud to Draco, who supposed it must be some sign of respect. For now, it was only a prop to make his wandless magic less intimidating to his new allies and servants. He was pale and had dark hair cropped close to his head, almost shaved. That night had been Hadrians going-away party. //Welcome, Lord Malfoy. Just as he was about to be done, finally, he found an envelope addressed to him. He was going back to Hogwarts instead of Azkaban. Knife scars, years old, were layered over his heart. He was anxious about the arrival of the Bone Man and trying to distract himself by think about Potter. In a world where Harry Potter decided not to go to Hogwarts, he became the dark lord at the age of 14. Ive no doubt hell be sorted into Slytherin. They had known about Harrys training with the Dementors from the beginning, during Harrys third year. Upon meeting Thea once again, he made her a single promise: as long as she was with him, she would have the entire world in the palm of her hands. //Your friends wish to hold you as well, my Wizard. The night air was crisp and the sky clear. Realising that all-out war might not be the best way to achieve his goals, he starts with securing a position as the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts under the name of Thomas Gaunt.Aster Potter is the Girl-Who-Lived. I could phase them out, like I did Vances, but your body would collapse around the space, and putting the bone back correctly iscomplicated. Love, betrayal and vows. Now five years after the fall of Grindelwald, watching his soulmates from a distance, Harry realizes maybe he should have asked to put a time limit on that vow. Earlier this summer, Nagini hatched snakelings. He wondered why it never occurred to him to craft his own wand in his rise to power. M rated. His trademark scar appeared again on his forehead, and the black in his eyes shrank to the center, uncovering Killing Curse green once more. This wont be as suspicious as a glamour, though.. Sleep now, my brave Dragon. He looked no older than Luciuss own son, Draco. Ill miss you too, arwr. Who does he think he is, throwing Dumbledore out on the street? Id be willing to bet it chose me because I was still your Horcrux then. The Dark Lord had never seen his son act so childlike. I know some stories may sound crazy but I'm experimenting with writing character fanfictions. The Order of the Phoenix has until noon on August the first, year 1996, to vacate the premises of Number 12, Grimmauld Place. The Very Best of DARK HARRY | FanFiction When the good emotions ran out, Harry instead pulled the magical energy straight from her core into his. I am aware that you are currently using Number 12, Grimmauld Place as a headquarters for your organization. He and his mate were not happy to lose the child, but they both knew nothing could save it. Do not worry, Lucius, your son will be safe. The color matched his grey skin. Innocents were killed and there was wanton destruction instead of the rebuilding of the world Voldemort had hoped for. Seventy years ago, a boy who would become a dark lord was born at the end of new year's eve. Hush, dihiryn. Rabastan was the only one he had spoken to out loud since school had ended. What do you mean, personal sign? The question came from Lucius, but Voldemort was also curious as to what his new ally had meant. Even though they aren't mates, they decided to stay together for the union of the two packs. I shall explain more to you both when he wakes.//. //Now, please. Lord Black is not one for punishing his followers easily. ~You will be my wizard. ~Hello,~ he said to the snake that was still studying him. Ill turn what I pull out into pure energy and give it back to you, though. Professor? As the clock struck eleven, he wondered if Albus would spontaneously die of surprise to see the Dark Lord and his family. He had spent hours last night smoothing away the bumps and ridges on Madam Vances fibula until it was shaped like any other wand. Her body was at the entrance to Knockturn Alley. He frowned in thought. Sit, please. But what happens when they have the wrong savior Harry Potter never thought his life would turn out like this. My faithful, the name of our ally is not to be spoken outside of the Inner Circle. No offence, my Lord. After all, he and Potter had been rivals for five years. What is that supposed to mean? He gives me a week to see if I die. They could only explain it as Lily's eyes, even though hers never pierced through one's very being or simmered like a live ember. This story set 2 weeks after his name came out of the goblet of Fire. . //The Light has wronged you, but the Dark welcomes you with open arms and hearts. Adventure Fantasy Male OC Harry Potter Twin Harry Potter Brother. She becomes friends with a group of unlikely people, and together with them tries to navigate the treacherous waters of Hogwarts, avoid the vengeful spirit of Lord Voldemort, try to uncover the plots of Albus Dumbledore, and figure out what in the world is up with Thomas Gaunt. It made me rather curious. Im better now without a wand than most wizards ever are with one. Rabastan chuckled. Dark, Mad , Powerful Harry Potter! | FanFiction I will not reveal my identity to you in a letter, as there is a possibility it may fall into the hands of the Light. I have renounced that name. Draco, has the Headmaster ever asked to see your wand? Black asked the boy beside him. I think its time for some blood, dont you? Pikachu used Rare Candy. Across the room, his father was also on his knees, silent tears rolling down his face. No longer shocked by his pale, snake-like visage, he regarded Voldemort as an honorary father, and the man had taken him as a protg. Two rows of tidy, identical houses lined it, each with lights burning in the windows. Those are more like my signature. Im not ready to tell everyone yet. With five minutes until midnight, Lucius apparated to the coordinates he had been given. How did you get that much blood?. Would you tell me more about your schooling so far?, Certainly. Fearless, ruthless and cold-hearted. I am sorry to say I did not. There is a reason why most people feel bad about hurting a child, it being in their nature to nurture the next generation, while common sense and basic decency is there preventing them from wanting to hurt children. I do not appreciate being lied to, Headmaster, the boy said in a cold voice, directing his piercing gaze back to Albus, especially not to be manipulated into giving up personal information. Ready? Bone Man, it is good to meet you at last. Remaneo conscia[M3].. We dont need to disturb them all by having you drop your trousers.//. Indeed, I would be disappointed if you were not. He knew none of his people had captured or killed the boy. How did you come up with the idea? Hadrian laughed his peculiar two-voiced laugh. Quiet Bella, do not insult him. //Right now, it is only an etching on the surface of the bone. He decided he should probably tell Voldemort what he was doing, since most of it wasnt visible. The Bone Man bowed his shrouded head in return. Looking for some legit 'dark' Harry fics, preferably 100k+ words A knock at the door startled Draco. I go by my middle name now. The number four was cast in brass and nailed to the door. And he is going to find me.". You mentioned being unsafe here, but you were sent away right around the fall of Lord Voldemort. Mother? he whispered tentatively. The Dark Lord looked into the very different eyes of his son. He was so Dark, and it was beautiful. I still have the holly wand, if you want it.//. //Who will be there?// Hadrian asked, switching the his thought-voice in the hallways. Perhaps that was another of Hadrians abilities?