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A total of 27.2% of working people volunteered, compared to just 21.4% of unemployed people. Bomb threats were a constant fact of life. Were in the same school district as the Tree of Life shooting, which happened on a Saturday, and the following week was Halloweensomeone called in a threat to my kids elementary school that day, and my oldest was in swimming at the time. That would put you on the other side of the experience, have no surprises, be exposed to the useful material, and feel in control of the day for yourself. Ive never been through any kind of shooter drill. I dont need to sit through seven hours of that garbageagain. Theyd just experienced one in their community. Im so sorry you had to go through that. And the ironic part: stress can lead to a higher frequency of migraines, even in people taking a preventative medication, so it would actually be quite possible I might actually wake up with one if I were in OPs situation. You should absolutely be able to opt out of the training. This pretty much forces your boss to explain his awful thinking. Working from home have a lot of benefits that essentially make your work life happier and more enjoyable. It involved bringing in all the relevant gov/emergency departments that would get called if the situation was real (so chemical spill scenario was complete with fire trucks) and we didnt have the agenda ahead of time because it was being externally coordinated. Seven hours of that ought to bring him to his senses and lead him to apologize, profoundly, with tears in his eyes, if he has any decency at all. Please believe him. -You have a family emergency (documentation may be required) Also, we do have accommodations for those who cant watch the video. Well. But last summer I had to attend one of these trainings at work (though much shorter) and I completely melted down. Oh my! I graduated high school a few years before Columbine, but can still completely empathize with what people who are younger than me have been through. The timeline itself would be enough for me to push back. Ive asked for a more specific agenda but Im not sure I will get one. I wanted to go to school and cared about awards. You can report an ad, tech, or typo issue here. I know he isnt *always* a jerk, but hes really being a jerk about this. Additionally, I grew up in a part of the States that has very little gun culture to speak of; I wasnt around guns at all, didnt know anyone who owned one, never touched one till my mid-30s. I cant tell you the number of times roads and tube stops were closed off and wed mutter not another bloody bomb threat and turn around. Your boss isnt a nice person who is cruel to young people, people with disabilities, and anyone he considers liberal. And leaving them alone would be a big question mark to the whole face of humanity. So, emotions were really high the week following. Good luck! Im so sorry your workplace is putting you through this. Below you'll find way to get out of a date, based on your situation. No?). Make a complaint or request or whatever afterwards if you feel up to it, but for now just protect yourself by disengaging, and make sure you give yourself lots of TLC and distraction on your sick day. And WTF is a pencil going to do against someone with an AK47. (That said, I worked at Planned Parenthood and we had bomb scares, which I know isnt the same but was pretty creepy until we realized it was the same wingnut calling in the threats from hundreds of miles away.). I have a hard time figuring out how a small company with no HR jumped to the conclusion they need to train for a mass shooter. People in hiding should expect to be there for hours. Im worried that would get her fired. Full stop. None of these excuses should be used regularly, because inevitably the second you say you need time off for dental work because you have a job interview, you then also need time off for dental work. Im a boomer and if I can understand I dont know what your bosss problem is. I told her that going forward, I would like the opportunity to work remotely on the days of drills or just use my leave entirely and she seemed open to it. Thank you! There is a debate you can maybe find evidence of online as to whether this is effective. LW, your boss has shown you who he really is. My problem is my unit has decided that not enough people will show up so they moved Sept's drill to Aug 5-6 and made it mandatory. Its horrifying to me that newer humans get exposed to this from day one and that some people think this is fun and games. update: how can I turn down training requests from my clients? You are sick. No one wants to hear me out. SEVEN hours??? Shop hundreds of premium Divi products like Divi child themes, Divi layouts, and Divi plugins on Divi Cake, the community-driven Divi Marketplace. I ended up going through orientation like four times, and in later ones I just stepped out of the room for that part. These drills get elaborate heck, the one at the middle school in my town a few weeks ago had a police helicopter overhead so that the kids knew thatd be a standard thing in the event of a real shooter. no one is going to know that you are bluffing. It could also make the shooter more effective because it could very well be an employee in this training that becomes the shooter. I started a new job recently, one where I wanted to impress and have significant imposter syndrome. 2. Do they also do a seven hour fire prevention and response class? If this article appears on any other site other than without clear referencing it is a violation of the copyright owned by That said, there is a little bit of the risk involved because either you will end up making them feel bad or you will actually have to leave your house if they say yes. But if thats not the case, tell them you were here (at some distant place) to pick up some work. And if my boss gave me grief about it Id jump straight to calling a lawyer and what should OP say to this lawyer? You're going to an important family event 2. Take the day off if you can call in sick if you need to. I would absolutely call in sick. Im looking around to get away cause Im scared of gun being pulled. As someone old enough that I had to worry about this in high school and now I have to see my kid doing active shooter drills, I absolutely think people who did not grow up in a similar situation do not understand how very different it is having lived with it much of our lives. I think about my plan a lot bc the patients we serve make us a target. I will never, ever attend one of these againit is worth *any* political or professional price I might pay. Seriously, I dont understand how it goes for seven hours. What are the best (fake) excuses you've ever used to get out of - Quora But if you feel all roads lead to a conversation with your boss, this is the best way to handle it. This is a reasonable thing to take to someone in that sort of role, and if theyre decent at their job, they should handle it for you or at least advise you on the best way to proceed. If you have an awkward situation that youd like example templates for, request a topic here. 3) Find a friend to talk to during drill. Christians, similarly, typically attend church on Sundays. What do you do for seven hours? How is including that supposed to change the behavior or perception of the students during an actual event in any way? Look, Im a school employee, a military brat, and an LEO wife. But that was just about 30 minutes, not anything we had to actually do. Because somebody who had no business owning a gun was able to get one, I almost died. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. If you're looking to develop your communication skills for professional environments even further, we think youll like the following video course from LinkedIn Learning. But ours was completely voluntary and staff were told multiple times prior to the session that they could opt out if they werent comfortable attending. 4) Bring a book or something else to occupy your mind if you get bored during drill. Now, chill and relax. Protagonist is South Asian or possibly Middle Eastern man who is meeting a woman for a date? September 10, 2020. excuses to get out of drill weekend So, maybe next time? I guess they need more real time training.. Please stand firm on the accommodations that you need. The OG excuse. My parent had been at FEMA for a minute & half before being sent to Katrina to provide IT support. Your boss sounds like an as**. Typically blanks are fired inside of the building (sometimes without specific warning) to simulate real scenarios. OP Thank you for writing in. Never the Right Word is a participant in the Awin Affiliates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to participating merchants. Im sure Id feel differently if I had kids who were being repeatedly traumatized at school this way. It took maybe 30 minutes total. Read More How to Write a Professional Email At Work (with Examples)Continue. At most, this should be a 2 hour training. If you do work full time or have family obligations and work part-time, you can only study in the evening and on weekends. I feel you, OP. This whole topic is not funny in the least, but I have to admit I snort-laughed when I read about that factory worker. And boy, was it poorly handled. The OP could ask about if theyve done day long trainings on other disasters and how those were handled if that would make a difference, but Im guessing theyd need to opt out regardless. LW, your boss is being extremely blas about his staffs mental health. Im 38 now and I still think about that day with anxiety and sadness. Might as well live to the fullest. I definitely feel safer that the administration deems it more likely that we need immediate access to bleeding control than an AED. Hes a crap human being making light of real human lives like that. But something I didnt consider is that these were only done virtually due to Covid, meaning there was nothing to act out, you were just meant to talk over with your coworkers/students how you would act. Not because she is a cold person (quite the opposite) but because its as common in the States as hearing about a traffic accident in Australia. I grew up in an era when everything American was super cool and aspirational. So I can see the value of having people exposed to, and not react to, something like a helicopter or other distraction. It has nothing to do with any practical benefit, IMO. Dont they do drills and practice?. 4. Depressing, yet so effective. Adults with postsecondary qualifications will earn significantly more than those with only high school education, so it is a recognized pathway to a more comfortable life with a stable income. How many weekend drills can I miss as a reservist before they - Avvo There was a mass shooting at a supermarket at her college town two years later.