10 ansible vault examples to decrypt/encrypt string ... use below ansible-vault edit command, to update or modify the secrets by providing a decryption key in the command prompt. Options: --ask-vault-pass ask for vault password -h, --help show this help . for a private key authentication. — vault-id "label name @ password file path". and trying to override this with the command-line argument --vault-password-file when calling the CLI ansible, ansible complains about not being able to find the vault password file if the variable is not set. 2. We can use Ansible-vault at the command-line to encrypt this low-grade 'badpassword' with the following syntax ansible-vault is a command line utility that permits to add/get sensitive data (file or property value) into an encrypted format called a vault. Lastpass is a great place to store your passwords, and generate secure ones, but it is annoying to lookup, copy, then paste the password back in ansible, and you need to add —ask-vault-pass to every ansible command. You can specify the following parameters from the command line: … -e "ansible_user=username ansible_ssh_pass=xxx ansible_sudo_pass=xxx" … Share. $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.ini -e '@password.yml' \ --vault-password-file=vault.txt Method #4: Disable Sudo Password for Ansible User Alternatively you can allow an Ansible user on a target machine to execute sudo without being prompted for a password - for this on the target machine execute: Define the . You'll do it just once, during your work session. To enable this feature, a command-line tool — ansible-vault — is used to edit files, and a command-line flag (--ask-vault-pass or --vault-password-file) is used. So to view the encrypted file content using ansible vault use ansible-vault view command with the playbook file as shown in the below ansible vault example: [ansible@controller base]$ ansible-vault view --vault-id @prompt secret.yml Vault password (default): --- - name: This is a secret file . Now reference password file when running ansible or ansible-playbook command. Use the UI to prompt for user and sudo/ssh password #379. May I know if it can be done so? Save and close the file in vi/vim. Define the . The vault password can be stored in plaintext in a file, for example vault_pass.txt containing myvaultpassword, to be used later on as a command parameter: $ ansible-playbook site.yml--vault-id vault_pass.txt. encrypt_string is a subcommand for encrypting only one item. All together our setup command will become: $ ./setup.sh [email protected] -- --ask-vault-pass. You need to create some vaulted variable files and then either include them in your playbooks or on the command line. Here I will show you how to keep this Ansible Vault password strong by using LastPass, its command-line client, and the lastpass-ansible tool which I wrote. This is done using the rekey option in the ansible vault command as shown: $ ansible-vault rekey secret_file.yml. Example of sensitive data: password. my_cluser_sudo_pass: your_sudo_password_for_remote_servers. The | is also required, as vault encryption results in a multi-line string. When you enter the command, you will first be prompted with the file's current password: Output. Useful if using multiple keys and you don't want to use SSH agent. # The edit command will launch a text editor, such as vim $ ansible-vault edit secrets_file.enc Vault password: # The decrypt command will fully decrypt the file, allowing you to manipulate it how you see fit. But for the above command to work I want to pass SSH password and SUDO password as arguments to the command. ansible_ssh_private_key_file=my-privkey-openssh.pem - Private key file used by ssh. Here, we will use the concept of ansible vault in your playbook. The ansible-vault command can be used to perform a number of tasks.. ansible-vault create - create an encrypted file; ansible-vault decrypt - decrypt and encrypted file; ansible-vault edit - edit an encrypted file; ansible-vault encrypt - encrypt a non-encrypted file; ansible-vault encrypt_string - encrypt a string; ansible-vault rekey - change password used to view or decrypt an encrypted file Ansible-vault is the command-line tool, which is used on the Ansible server to do below tasks. . Alternately, you may specify the location of a password file or command Ansible to always prompt for the password in your ansible.cfg file. Next, type the string value that you want to encrypt. Edit Encrypted File. Most secure, but inconvenient. Decrypt an encrypted file. They define ssh and user-level privilege escalation . These options require no command line flag usage. Put the line 2. Fixed launching of Job Templates that use prompt-at-launch Ansible Vault credentials. -C, --check Do not make any changes on the remote system, but test resources to see what might have changed. ansible-playbook play.yml . Encrypt an existing important file. 1. Because Ansible tasks, handlers, and other objects are data, these can . If you want to decrypt the previous example file at the destination server then you can do that by using same ansible-vault command line tool. Pass Variable To Ansible Playbook-Ansible Extra Vars Pass variable to ansible playbook in the command line using ansible '- - exra-vars' tag or '-e' tag we can pass the ansible variable to ansible playbook in the command line. ansible-vault - Man Page. Ansible-vault creates AES256 encrypted files or strings using a key that allows them to be unencrypted elsewhere by another Ansible-vault instance using the same key. ansible-vault create dev_vault.yml. If you want change the Ansible vault password, it can be done easily by using ansible-vault rekey command as shown below. Add the entries (ssh keys/password variables)in the secrets.yml . A file will open — insert the below entry in the file. Just like using Ansible on the command line, you can specify the SSH username, optionally provide a password, an SSH key, a key password, or even have Tower prompt the user for their password at deployment time. I checked ansible-playbook documentation but was unable to find it. Edit an encrypted file and maintain its encryption and secret key/ password. Pass Variable To Ansible Playbook-Ansible Extra Vars Pass variable to ansible playbook in the command line using ansible '- - exra-vars' tag or '-e' tag we can pass the ansible variable to ansible playbook in the command line. This will prompt you to provide a password for the vault. These options require no command line flag usage. Note this can not . Step 3) Now, you can edit the file, save the changes, and exit. encryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files. The ansible-vault command line supports stdin and stdout for encrypting data on the fly, which can be used from your favorite editor to create these vaulted variables; you just have to be sure to add the !vault tag so both Ansible and YAML are aware of the need to decrypt. There is an idea that passing secrets via environment variables is more safe, than passing it via command line. Changing the Password of Encrypted Files. Use ansilbe-playbook to automate the both SSH and SUDO Password. At the end, your flow will enable you to login to LastPass from the command line. If you have a directory that contains your vault files, you can grep all of them for a variable you might have misplaced: Just like using Ansible on the command line, you can specify the SSH username, optionally provide a password, an SSH key, a key password, or even have Tower prompt the user for their password at deployment time. Alternately, you may specify the location of a password file or command Ansible to always prompt for the password in your ansible. [ansible@controller ~]$ ansible -m ping all -k -K SSH password: SUDO password [defaults to SSH password]: | SUCCESS => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } Once the sshagent is setup for on the next ansible run connection password and priviledge escalaltion . This will use the ubuntu username and ask for the SSH password. We use the ansible "expect" module to submit the password when "pass insert" asks for it. $ echo 'MyStrongVaulPassword' > .ansible_vault_pass. If the resource doesn't exist, I want to send an HTTPS POST, to create the resource. Syntax: ansible-playbook […] As you see now we cannot see the content of our encrypted file. Ansible vault view encrypted files. But when I'm done, I've ended up with lot of repetitive code, instead of a clean . Encrypting a string using Ansible-vault. . To enable this feature, a command line tool, ansible-vault is used to edit files, and a command line flag -ask-vault-pass or -vault-password-file is used. In this example, two passwords will be created. Save and close the file in vi/vim. Step 2) When you paste this command, it will ask for the password. When encrypted with ansible-vault, you must specify an optional password file when executing ansible or ansible-playbook commands . Feel free to change the username to any desired user on your remote machine. Create a new encrypted file. x. To create a basic encrypted variable, pass three options to the ansible-vault encrypt_string command: Machine credentials enable Tower to invoke Ansible on hosts under your management. Pass the Privilege options -K, --ask-become-pass for to become sudo user. Pretty repetitive stuff. Write a script or program that outputs the password on stdout, mark it executable, and pass that: --vault-password-file . vim secrets.yml. You command works when I use ansible_ssh_pass=whatever in the vault file but that will break palybook as mail.yml must be stored as a dictionary/hash format for example ansible_ssh_pass: whatever.Your command worked after I did some modification but I think I will open an issue with Ansible team to see if they can add this. Thankfully, Ansible Vault allows us to create multiple vaults and references which vault the encrypted data is coming from using a label. Finally run playbook as follows: $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars '@passwd.yml' my.yml How to edit my encrypted file again ansible-vault edit passwd.yml How to change the password for my encrypted file ansible-vault rekey . --ask-vault-pass Prompt for vault password. ansible_ssh_pass; non sudoers users ; ansible_become_pass [[email protected] ~ ]$ cat group_vars/all.yml ansible_ssh_pass: ansible ansible_become_pass: ansible. The ansible-vault create command is used to create the encrypted file. As you can see, non of them includes simple ANSIBLE_PASSWORD environment variable. Shell. ansible-vault encrypt_string --help Usage: ansible-vault encrypt_string [--prompt] [options] string_to_encrypt encryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files Options: --ask-vault-pass ask for vault password --encrypt-vault-id = ENCRYPT_VAULT_ID the vault id used to encrypt (required if more than vault-id is provided)-h, --help show this help message and exit-n ENCRYPT_STRING_NAMES . In past versions of Ansible, this command would prompt to create a vault password to encrypt the file: C02NVAEGG3QJ:playbooks mullenma$ ansible-vault encrypt test.yml. vault $ ansible-vault rekey user_creds.yml Vault password: New Vault password: Confirm New Vault password: Rekey successful Decrypting an encrypted playbook or variable file. To enable this feature, a command line tool, ansible-vault is used to edit files, and a command line flag -ask-vault-pass or -vault-password-file is used. The label can be any identifier, and the location can either be prompt , meaning that the command should prompt you to enter a password, or a valid path to a password . . Alternately, you may specify the location of a password file or command Ansible to always prompt for the password in your ansible.cfg file. To create a new encrypted file using a custom vault ID, include the --vault-id option along with a label and the location where ansible-vault can find the password for that vault. (Not sure if the vault-password-file can be created in this way, it might not work.) ansible-playbook test_vault.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault New Vault: Multiple vault ids and encrypting strings create vault password file for vault id prod If you normally add arguments to setup.sh, they will need to be merged into this command structure. This can include group_vars/ or host_vars/ inventory variables, variables loaded by include_vars or vars_files, or variable files passed on the ansible-playbook command line with -e @file.yml or -e @file.json.Role variables and defaults are also included! Feel free to change the username to any desired user on your remote machine. [root@localhost ~]# ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file pass.txt playbook.yml Encryption successful Example 8: How to decrypt a Playbook File Using ansible-vault. 2. ansible-vault create vault.txt . We can use Ansible-vault at the command-line to encrypt this low-grade 'badpassword' with the following syntax. This can be achieved in a single line as shown below. (echo $(SecretVariableName)>xxx.txt)Then you may use the newly created xxx.txt . my_cluser_sudo_pass: your_sudo_password_for_remote_servers. Edit an encrypted file and maintain its encryption and secret key/ password. Ansible vault will prompt you for the password and later require you to confirm it. -K, --ask-sudo-pass Prompt for the password to use with --sudo, if any (deprecated, use become). or have a file containing your vault password and pass it as below. ansible-playbook site.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt ansible-playbook site.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.py The password should be a string stored as a single line in the file. BECOME password: An alternative approach is to use the --vault-password-file command line option to pass in John Doe's password. The ansible-vault encrypt_string command encrypts and formats any string you type (or copy or generate) into a format that can be included in a playbook, role, or variables file. Decrypting Content at Run Time in Ansible Playbook Encrypt an existing important file. ansible-vault create --vault-id prod@prompt prod-secrets.yml. View an encrypted file without breaking the encryption. Let's create a yaml file using ansible-vault command. This will not prompt for the vault password while running. Alternately, you may specify the location of a password file or command Ansible to always prompt for the password in your ansible.cfg file. The next task is to insert the password into the password-store by running "pass insert". Define the Ansible variable (Unsafe mode use Vault Instead to Protect passwords) in the group_vars/all.yml. If you are using a script instead of a flat file, ensure that it is marked as executable, and that the password is printed to standard output. First, the ansible-vault create command must be used to create an encrypted file that contain's John Doe's password. Create a new encrypted file. Description . The "expect" module searches command output for a given regex, and submits a given string as response. When using the --ask-vault-pass flag, I am not being prompted to enter the vault password. vault_password_file = ~/.ansible_vault It also allows for a nifty trick when using multiple vault files, such as host_vars and group_vars . Open. can encrypt any structured data file used by Ansible. The eval line makes sure that an environment variable OP_SESSION_example is set for this terminal/shell only with temporary access to your 1Password vault in subsequent calls to the op command. ansible all -m ping --vault-password-file vault.txt . Step 1) Follow the commands given below to edit the encrypted file: $ ansible-vault edit filename.yaml. However, Lastpass has a neat command line utility that you can use to get a password saved in Lastpass. To enable this feature, a command line tool, ansible-vault is used to edit files, and a command line flag -ask-vault-pass or -vault-password-file is used. matejkramny mentioned this issue on Jun 19, 2017. db_password=password. STEPS TO REPRODUCE. In this post i will explain how to pass variable to ansible playbook with examples. Vault password: This will use the ubuntu username and ask for the SSH password. Specify the current vault password first , and later create a new password and confirm it. Then you could use vault.txt on the command line, so that an encrypted version of "itsasecret" is used. Use ansilbe-playbook to automate the both SSH and SUDO Password. Decrypt an encrypted file. Reset Ansible vault Password. You need to create some vaulted variable files and then either include them in your playbooks or on the command line. When calling the Ansible command line, you can also append some execution parameters as follows: Options: --ask-vault-pass ask for vault password -C, --check don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur -D, --diff when changing (small) files and templates, show the If you need to change the password of an encrypted file, use the ansible-vault rekey command: ansible-vault rekey encrypt_me.txt. ansible_ssh_pass; non sudoers users ; ansible_become_pass [[email protected] ~ ]$ cat group_vars/all.yml ansible_ssh_pass: ansible ansible_become_pass: ansible. Closed. (ansible-env) [test-user@linux-node defaults]$ ansible-vault . 4. dev_vault.yml will get created as shown below. To execute the playbook while requiring a prompt, use --vault-id id@prompt: [sanujan@fedora ansible]$ ansible-playbook --vault-id inline@prompt --vault-id files@prompt vault_encryption.yml Updated password validation support to allow modifying password complexity requirements using some Django configurations. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME ansible-pull and a. Rekey or reset the . I could repeat the ansible run, of course, specifying a different host group each time, but I'd like to do it in a single pass. ansible-playbook play.yml --ask-vault-pass. Updated the ansible-playbook parameters to pass through the setup.sh script. Copy. - (On the clis ( ansible, ansible-playbook, see the --private-key= option) - The file must be in the pem format. how change password ansible vault; ansible store password in vault; store password in ansible vault; ansible vault_password_file; ansible using ansible-vault to read password into variable; ansible vault save password; ansible pass vault password on command line; ansible vault password file format; using ansible valut; check in vault file ansible If you prefer to have Ansible prompt you for the password to decrypt the vault string/file, you can comment out the vault_identity_list key in ansible.cfg. fiftin added proof of concept and removed enhancement labels on Nov 6, 2020. fiftin added this to To do in Password and Vault management system on Aug 31. fiftin moved this from To do to In progress in Password and Vault . If the remote host is up and you provide the correct SSH password, you should see a response as: 192.168 . Have Ansible prompt for it by passing --ask-vault-pass. Define the Ansible variable (Unsafe mode use Vault Instead to Protect passwords) in the group_vars/all.yml. Most insecure, but more convenient than the prompt. ansible_connection=ssh. In order to encrypt the content the var content of a variable named varname using the password stored in vault_pass.txt, the following . Rekey or reset the . In this post i will explain how to pass variable to ansible playbook with examples. Finally run playbook as follows: $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars '@passwd.yml' my.yml How to edit my encrypted file again ansible-vault edit passwd.yml How to change the password for my encrypted file ansible-vault rekey . The above code will create a prod vault and prompt for your password at runtime (as noted by the @prompt string). Machine credentials enable Tower to invoke Ansible on hosts under your management. Usage: ansible <host-pattern> [options] -a, --args <module_args> module arguments -k, --ask-pass ask for SSH password --ask-su-pass ask for su password -K, --ask-sudo-pass ask for sudo password --ask-vault-pass ask for vault password -B, --background <seconds> run asynchronously, failing after X seconds (default=N/A) -C, --check don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the . If you change your inventory file to use a variable for the become pass this variable can be vaulted: If the remote host is up and you provide the correct SSH password, you should see a response as: 192.168 . After typing this command, it will ask for a password and then ask where to put your content. Syntax: ansible-playbook […] Ansible Vault is a feature of ansible that allows you to keep sensitive data such as passwords or keys in encrypted files, rather than as plaintext in playbooks or roles. If you want to decrypt an encrypted file, use the . # ansible-vault create vault.yml. The --ask-become-pass flag can be used to prompt Ansible for your SSH password when making a connection to a host that requires elevated privileges, such . Create a file called secrets.yml. Not familiar with Ansible Vault, but you have at least two directions based on the documents shared by Zeitounator.. 1.Use a CMD task first to create a vault-password-file with plain-text content. Ansible-vault is the command-line tool, which is used on the Ansible server to do the below tasks. Examples (TL;DR) Create a new encrypted vault file with a prompt for a password: ansible-vault create vault_file Create a new encrypted vault file using a vault key file to encrypt it: ansible-vault create --vault-password-file=password_file vault_file Encrypt an existing file using an optional password file . Follow edited . On your ansible local node, use the command shown below: $ ansible all -m ping -u ubuntu --ask-pass. The final option will be --ask-vault-pass, which tells Ansible to prompt us for the password to be able to decrypt the vault secrets. On your ansible local node, use the command shown below: $ ansible all -m ping -u ubuntu --ask-pass. They define ssh and user-level privilege escalation . Also, you can reset or change the Vault's password. 3. I can set ansible_ssh_user in the inventory, and use -k on the command-line, but this prompts only once for the password, which will therefore be wrong for half the hosts. To check that the file has been encrypted, use the cat command. Put it plaintext in a well-protected file, and pass --vault-password-file <filename>.