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Already deeply angry with his father, it did not take much for Horus to push the idea upon his brother that the Emperor was in truth a sorcerer not much different from the High Overlord Necare on Barbarus, Mortarion's hated adoptive father. " I am not like you. Let it roil and squirm and churn, until you are filled with bile so poisonous that all you touch falls to ruin. [5], In 901.M41, during the Battle of Kornovin, Mortarion killed Geronitan, Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights. After hundreds of battles and wars, there was just one inaccessible mansion, one which Mortarion knew well, the one where his adoptive father resided. Typhon, now called Typhus the Traveller, took a more active role in continuing the war against the Imperium by abandoning his master and striking out on his own, bringing the "gifts" of his patron to the Emperor's followers. The battle for the human future was one that could only be won by enduring any hardship, no matter how terrible, and not shirking from any act, no matter how savage in pursuit of victory. The virulent plagues infected the fleet while they drifted aimlessly through the Warp, making a mockery of the Death Guard's legendary resistance to toxins and contagions. Jaghatai had been right -- the Death Lord was on his own with them. It fits that out of all the traitor primarchs Mortarion would be the only one whose soul still resists and thus be more suitable for salvation (which sounds way cheaper than launching crusades at random until you come across a loyalist primarch). By this point, Calas Typhon served one master alone, and it was not his Primarch. When the twenty primarchs of the Space Marine Legions were scattered across the galaxy in a mysterious accident, one came to rest on the planet Barbarus, a world wreathed in poisonous fog where the most advanced technology was that of steam power. Not sure who would be more likely to turn.Tzeentch doesnt predispose its followers to wallowing in self pity so Magnus might have more motivation to break free. Finally he found what he sought for upon the world of Terathalion, a former library-world where knowledge coalesced, all under the benign guidance of distant masters on Prospero. Indeed, Mortarion had become disgusted with what exactly the Emperor was, considering him a Warp-tainted "aberration" like his tyrant adopted father. It was Guilliman's tactical acumen that first stabilised the many war fronts of Ultramar, and his "Spear of Espandor" campaign, a brilliant counterattack, that successfully bought the forces of the Imperium still more time. [6a] Mortarion led his Legion in their betrayal of the Imperium at the Battle of Isstvan III and Drop Site Massacre. [18] During the battle on Terra he oversaw the siege of the Western regions of the Palace, spreading plague and misery wherever he appeared. [12], By the time of the Battle of the Kalium Gate late in the Heresy, Mortarion's forbidden knowledge had grown considerably. When that failed and the Khan drove him off, Mortarion picked up a daemon of Nurgle to learn how to fight Daemons. Though Mortarion ultimately escaped, it would be many long Terran years before he could enter the mortal realm once more. Together, the Ynnari and their newfound Imperial allies forged a path through their foes and the Webway to Ultramar. On the highest peaks where the air was most poisonous lived the Overlord, who claimed Mortarion as his foster son. Seeing the Materium as petty, his interest leaned towards the Great Game. [13], After these campaigns, Mortarion received orders from Horus to make for Terra. The end of Old Night and the beginning of a brighter future for mankind. Geronitan's subordinate, Kaldor Draigo, assaulted the Daemon Primarch and spoke the true name that the Emperor had originally intended for him[8]. During the fight for the Spaceport the 2 Primarch's once again came to blows. Garro died, but not before giving Mortarion a painful wound in his neck with the broken shard of Libertas. Over time Mortarion shaped the creed and practice of the Death Guard, his beliefs in many ways forming a natural extension of their own, beliefs and doctrine becoming ever more refined and extreme. Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard Legion before the Horus Heresy wielding his massive scythe Silence and his sidearm known as The Lantern. Official The only consistent information regarding Mortarion and his homeworld come from a single source: the Stygian Scrolls of Lackland Thorn, a historian and polymath attached to the explorator fleet that discovered Barbarus. The strange tides of the Empyrean are notoriously fickle, and during their voyage the entire Death Guard fleet was becalmed within its shifting dimensional tides. The daemon was the first to see a fragment of what Mortarion would eventually become in later centuries. Primarch of the Ultramari. The sheer brutality of Mortarion's campaign left the Imperium appalled. "It starts here. He taught everything of warfare to Mortarion. . It had begun in the Chondax System, right towards the end of the campaign against the Greenskins -- the first inkling that all was not well. Either way, the troubled Death Guard Primarch saw a worthy leader in Horus, whereas in the Emperor he saw only a self-serving and pompous pretender who had stolen Mortarion's hard-won kingship in a single day while engaging in hypocrisy concerning his own use of the Warp. crescenta valley high school tennis coach; olivia and fitz relationship timeline. Fallen Primarch and #1 Papa Nurgle Fan, the Lord of Sticky Hugs himself, Mortarion! He had pallid skin and hollow, haunted eyes and he terrified most of the inhabitants. The attacks were slow but relentless, wearing down Ultramar's defending Ultramarines and their vaunted Ultramar Auxilia. In Mortarion's opinion it should have been cordoned off, put away, forgotten about forever by Mankind. I think "saved" in his eyes would be the chance to die a true death back in the good graces of their creator. He was revelling in his victory until the silence was shattered by the scream of a child. Mortarion had never encountered its kind before, believing his father, the Emperor, that such fell creatures did not exist. Finding this stranger in conference with the village elders, Mortarion claimed that his people needed no outside help. Perturabo in Remnant is a crossover between Warhammer 40,000 and RWBY.It's exactly as it sounds. Mortarion proceeded to explain the reason for his recent arrival; he told Jaghatai that he had sought him out, for things had changed. Horus promised that if Mortarion joined his cause and supported his rebellion they would cleanse the Imperium of the Emperor's taint, and build a new regime free of their gene-father's lies, manipulations and deceit. He also really hated psykers, taking a leading role in the anti-psyker faction at the Council of Nikea. [10], Mortarion next appeared during the Battle of Dwell, summoned by Horus alongside Fulgrim to aid him in gaining the powers of the Emperor on Molech. By this simple decree the Dusk Raiders were no more, and the records and annals from that day forward would carry this new name as one to strike fear into the hearts of Mankind's enemies. Despite his hatred for psykers, Mortarion began using psychic powers himself, and quickly became a paranoid lunatic. Canon Draigo's insult would not soon be forgotten, as the Daemon Primarch vowed his vengeance against the upstart mortal. The infant primarch was screaming and wailing where a normal child would have suffocated and died long before. The words he had spoken to his sons, proclaiming Horus as Warmaster of the Imperium ringing in his ears. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. ", A Death Guard Plague Marine after emerging from the Warp, changed by the corrupting influence of the Plague God Nurgle. "Saved" might just mean permanently killed, not purified and redeemed. "So the choice has been made.". HOW TO PAINT: Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle. Until, that is, Mortarion himself joined into the fray. Eventually, the time he had waited for arrived, a way to prove himself in the eyes of his fellow humans. Now one of the denizens of the Empyrean stood shackled before him. The warlord smiled when Mortarion advanced upon him and withdrew to the apparent safety of the deadly fog, only to be pursued and butchered by this inhumanly resilient Primarch. The air surrounding the High Overlord's fortress was so poisonous and toxic that parts of Mortarion's armour began to rot away. But when asked by a reporter how he would handle the war in Ukraine as President and Commander-in Chief, the far-right Republican was suddenly unable to offer [] Horus had sponsored them, Lorgar had shown them new tricks. The two primarchs circled one another, prepared to finally engage in a deadly duel that would decide their fates. They were clad in pale, thick-slabbed Terminator Armour and carried huge Power Scythes known as Manreapers. However he was able to find a weakness in the Death Lord with his pride. They are marines who are listed as killed in action and then wear a mask for the rest of their lives so that only Mortarion may know their true identity. Attempting to give Morty hope, even if false, does have practical use, since hope is antithesis to Nurgle and would weaken its hold over him, if only by a tiny amount. The Death Lord at last was worthy of his title. Horus, a master manipulator who knew what was in his brother's heart, revealed to Mortarion that he knew that the Emperor had dealt with the powers of the Warp to gain the knowledge needed to create the Primarchs. There are lots of great details including a really interesting Death Guard backpack variant." He enlisted the aid of blacksmiths, craftsmen and artificers to create suits of armour that would allow men to travel through the poisonous fog. The Citadel Colour System breaks down painting your models into just a few easy steps. [1][6b], The warlord tested how high the child could survive in the poisonous atmosphere of Barbarus and then erected a massive wall of black iron. [26], During the height of his powers as a servant of the Emperor, Mortarion was described as having an ashen, hairless face. Dark Imperium: Godblight, the next book in the Dark Imperium series, was announced during the Black Library Preview way back in December 2020.Along with the conclusion of a story that's been in the works since the days of Roboute Guilliman's awakening, new editions of the original books (Dark Imperium and Plague War) are soon to be available for pre-order. For the best viewing experience, we recommend using old reddit version - It is said that the next attack that descended from the mountains above was repulsed quickly and Mortarion, leading his Death Guard, as they had become known, followed them into the fog above, massacring the remaining forces and killing the warlord. Mortarion didn't need much convincing to join Horus, having come to hate both his father and the civilian leadership of the Imperium, wanting the strong to rule over the weak. Mortarion was a grim and driven Primarch, his breathing apparatus and scythe an inseparable component of his aspect. He had even told the Khan all of this on Ullanor after the triumph. Magic makes life easier for any adventurer, and if you're a Diviner, then it gets even easier. In one conversation in Plague Wars Ku'gath, a greater daemon of Nurgle and Mortarion of the Death Guard discuss the possibility that the Emperor is awaking: Choose between the Classic and Contrast Methods, then bring your miniatures to life. To this day, Mortarion's Death Guard launch their assaults through the Cadian Gate and into the galaxy beyond, sometimes in large bodies and at others lending strength to allied forces. [23a], What emerged from the warp bore little resemblance to what had gone in. However Typhon quickly came back to life, and both the First Captain and Daemon laughed as Mortarion realized he had been betrayed. 1 . A Primarch! October 20, 2021. The Death Guard Space Marines' once gleaming grey armour was corroded and shattered, barely containing their bloated, pustule-riddled bodies. pigella miraculous ladybug power. Nurgle responded gleefully and took the XIV Legion and Mortarion for his own champions. Posted by; Date June 12, 2022; Comments . Mortarion was too weak to reach the top of the peak where the Overlord lived, so the Emperor finished him off himself, earning Mortarion's undying hatred. Enraged, Mortarion engaged Typhon in a duel, with the First Captain's psychic abilities allowing him to hold off the Primarch's attacks for a time. For the first time in history, Mortarion had led the people into the toxic fog and survived. He was rarely seen even by his own subordinates on the Plague Planet, leaving the Death Guard to conduct campaigns on its own as warbands. However this was assailed in a massive counterattack led by Mortarion's old foe Jaghatai Khan, leading a force of White Scars and Imperial Army. 1082 Words5 Pages. [19a] Mortarion next met with Magnus in order to discuss an attack on the Colossi Gate, revealing to his brother that he hated his current Daemonic visage and was in constant pain. At present, Mortarion is the greatest Daemon Prince of Nurgle and the Daemon Primarch of the Death Guard Chaos Space Marines. Didn't Khan come back to life and end up fucking off into the webway after that? Hannibal speaks to the imagination, to the feelings, to the passions, to exalted senses and to debased ones. Jaghatai realised that his brother had come to persuade him to join the Traitors' cause. One untouched and untainted by any of Nurgle's brothers. so many that the emperor comes here and is speaks with the ease of practice about conforming to merely "local" values. The Warp stained everything. At this time the Emperor appeared, and challenged Mortarion to slay the Overlord alone, or swear fealty to him. Allegiance He is order. the emperor speaks to mortarion. The Emperor's fleets arrived on Barbarus, toppling the final alien stronghold, rescuing Mortarion, and - in his eyes - robbing him of both victory and vengeance. The Khan had seen the overall picture perfectly. The Death Guard fleet made transition into the Warp, and in the process damned themselves to an eternity of war as the puppets of a foul and ancient god. Though Mortarion had completed his great mission and the Emperor had handed down the Edicts of Nikaea forbidding the use of sorcery and the disbandment of the Legions' Librarius divisions, there were now more sorcerers than ever amongst the ranks of the Traitors. The warlord smiled and withdrew to the poisonous area above, unaware of the primarch's amazing respiratory abilities. When he made his way back to the surface of the planet, he next encountered an unexpected visitor. With the prevailing conditions on Barbarus and the foul beings that more than likely still stalked the planet's fog-shrouded mountains and deep swamps, there were whispers that the human population that remained would have been better off if they had been euthanised or displaced to a "cleaner" world for the sake of the sanity of future generations. After Mortarion himself became infected, he confronted Typhon aboard the Navigator's station on the Terminus Est. The two primarchs traded deadly blows, tearing into one another, each strike powered by raw defiance. Diseased and corrupted, made monstrous in form by the warping power of Chaos, Mortarion is a twisted angel of death driven by hatred and bitterness. The diseased dead rose to claim the living. Mortarion and the Death Guard would draw out the enemy and tire them down, and then the Luna Wolves would strike. Oh sorry I misheard only the heretics and xenos must burn !! Garro rejected his fathers offer to return to the Death Guard and instead challenged Mortarion to a duel, buying time for Euphrati Keeler to escape. Chagrined by his defeat at the hands of Jaghatai Khan, Mortarion abandoned the pursuit of the White Scars and instead led his Death Guard in a spiteful, punitive rampage across the systems of the lost Prosperine empire. In early 901.M41, during the Battle of Kornovin, Mortarion slew Geronitan, the Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights Chapter. [17b] According to a Daemon known as The Remnant, Mortarion had allowed Typhus to corrupt the Death Guard as he saw no other path for the survival of his sons. Upon her discovery, he had his captive teleported with him back aboard his flagship, the Endurance. Horus went from the greatest, to a cry baby demigod who couldn't handle his job. This changed the culture and traditions of the Legion, so much so that by the last days of the Great Crusade in the early 31st Millennium, there were increasing tensions between the Barbarus-born Astartes and the Terran minority who remained in the Legion and who remembered the Dusk Raiders' earlier martial traditions brought out of Old Terra. Mortarion may be stronger than Guilliman but I doubt he'd want to fight him and several Custodes at the same time, especially when the Emperor's Sword has the ability to permanently end him. In the end the badly wounded Jaghatai Khan was impaled on the blade of Mortarion's scythe, but simply pulled his body along its length to get face-to-face with the Death Guard Primarch. So did systems fall, creating the Scourge Stars -- a trio of sickly star systems that had fallen to Nurgle. When he recovered, Mortarion swore fealty to the stranger as he had promised, who revealed himself to be Mortarion's true gene-father, the Emperor of Mankind. His design was based on John Blanche's artwork, a depiction of Mortarion as the 31st Millennium's reaper of men. Previously, the walking corpses could be destroyed, but now doing so only released hordes of Nurglings that writhed impossibly out of the withered flesh of the fallen. I take it at face value for a simple reason: Depending on how you interpret the lore, the Emperor stole the Warp essences of the Primarchs once in order to create them. I think he is serious as this is a consistent trend. [1][6b], When the confrontation came, it was mercifully short. Upon a far-fung hell world, Mortarion received word of his brother's awakening. Returning to the village, Mortarion's mood darkened when he found his people talking not of his victory but of the arrival of a benevolent stranger who promised salvation to the people of Barbarus. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works The daemon continued to taunt the Primarch, goading him. Harris's voice will be heard for a while."Los Angeles Times "A pleasurable sense of dread."The Wall Street Journal "Enormously satisfying . For his brother Mortarion, the Death Lord, primarch of the Death Guard Legion, had found them. But it was then, at the final moment before the High Overlord at last took the life of his wayward foster son, that the stranger suddenly appeared, leaping between the two and slaying Necare with a single thrust of his flaming sword. The glorious stink of learned sorcery and hedge-magick was now pungent and inescapable. A shame, the setting has a lack of human factions that hate both chaos and the imperium, i dont like how renegade space marines are doomed to fall to chaos for example. Behind the Khan, the keshig readied their blades. Where they were gaunt and pale skinned, the stranger had bronzed flesh and a perfect physique. Mortarion even proved critical of Horus' promotion to Warmaster, agreeing that while Horus was the best choice the Emperor's decision to name a Warmaster in the first place had been a mistake. Something terrible came out of the Warp Storms as they roiled through the southern reaches of the Ultima Segmentum. Though he hated the concept of relying on what he considered witchery, even in one of his own Astartes, Mortarion was left with little choice. . He came to rest at the site of a huge battle fought across a vast plain. Mortarion travelled from settlement to settlement, teaching, building and defending his people. Observing the physical changes in his brother, he noticed that Mortarion's power seemed to have grown. I think he is fully serious. Gathering them before him, a grim and spectral figure robed and bearing the great black scythe that had once belonged to his nightmarish foster-father, it must have seemed to the Terran-born Dusk Raiders that an ancient, graven image of the Grim Reaper had come before them as their new master. The Second Battle of Prospero was over. [1][6b], As Mortarion descended, he began to realise he had found his people. In the subsequent Battle of Catallus, the joint Death Guard-Emperor's Children fleet led by Mortarion cornered the White Scars fleet at the Dark Glass artifact. Magnus' shade had showed him. Would you like to support Cults? A new stage of the war began. So inhumanly neutral. Mortarion was found on Barbarus, a planet covered in toxic fumes. When his voidships emerged from the system's Mandeville Point in 007.M31 and spread out through the local system, they were not the sleek and gloriously decorated crimson-coloured system-runners of Magnus the Red's XVth Legion, but corpse-grey, vast-hulled leviathans. In the end, Horus was defeated by the Emperor, but unlike the other Legions, who splintered and fled into the Eye of Terror, Mortarion's Legion, now calling themselves the Plague Marines, made an orderly withdrawal, wave after wave of Loyalists breaking themselves on the Legion. [17b], Mortarion accused Typhon of treachery, and the First Captain replied that he had indeed lied to his Primarch but for a greater purpose he would come to appreciate. Mortarion turned away and began the ascent to the final mansion, that of the man he had called father, alone. Primarch Roboute Guilliman and his Ultramarines face the vile Daemon Primarch Mortarion on the world of Iax. Wouldn't it make more sense for Mortarion to join the emperor due to his hatred of magic? Perhaps Typhon's revelation was instrumental in Mortarion's own fall to the Ruinous Powers; perhaps Mortarion would have walked a dark path on his own. If he is planting a seed of hope in a servant of despair, it is for the purpose of getting him on to a path to salvation. Wherever they travel they spread the joyful, exuberant poxes of Nurgle, gifting those who would know eternal life with the choicest of the Plague God's blessings. Mortarion claimed the Daemon World later known as the "Plague Planet" as his new homeworld and it proved to be an ideal base for launching attacks from out of the Eye of Terror into the physical universe. When the shields were depleted shortly after he personally killed Torghun Khan, Mortarion barely teleported off the Swordstorm before it exploded. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Grulgor strangled Typhon to death, fulfilling his oath to Mortarion to kill the First Captain. Jaghatai could see how his brother thought it would all play out; first hobble the sorcerers. Compelled by fate or circumstance, the Ynnari lent their aid to Archmagos Belisarius Cawl, Saint Celestine and Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax and rescued them from the forces of Abaddon on Klaisus, the ice moon of Kasr Holn after the fall of Cadia. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He also wore a string of globe-shaped brass censers which contain poisonous gases from his homeworld which were utilized as Phosphex Bombs. The decastated world's wind howled in their empty wake, stirring the ashes of ruined Tizca. Mortarion brushed off the Khan's reasoning, but Jaghatai pressed him. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Having witnessed during his youth on Barbarus the horrors produced by psykers and sorcery, he testified passionately against them, ending his plea with a dire warning against any use of sorcery by the servants of the Emperor. He was constantly at the front fighting against all of the other warlords' armies, sometimes of undead humans, sometimes of more daemonic creatures. For much of the Great Crusade, the errant White Scars Legion under the command of the Primarch Jaghatai Khan had remained noticeably absent from the current chain of events that were only now beginning to trickle in to their fleet's astropathic choirs. Rank In 437.M36, Mortarion emerged at the head of a Death Guard and Nurgle-Daemon army that led to the Fall of Sanctia. There had been no detail then, no authentication, just stray astropathic messages of dubious provenance. [1][6b], Mortarion then recruited the strongest and most resilient of warriors from the villages he went to. So began the first part -- the "War of Flies" -- including the assault of the Three Planets, the besieging of the Hive World of Ardium, and the Creeping Doom offensive against Espandor and Drohl. 'Do you see, Guilliman, you follow the wrong master,' said Mortarion. He would have to master all the paths of ruin. He also armed his warriors with crude air filtration apparatus. Jaghatai Khan remarked that besides himself, Mortarion was the only Primarch whose deeds and history were not well known to the greater Imperium. There's this theory about the Emperor not actually "talking" but rather transmitting ideas and letting the recipients process them in their own way. the emperor speaks to mortarion. In an attempt to resist the daemon's brutal attack, he tore at it with his hands, still relying on the immeasurable strength in his transhuman musculature. In addition to this, the Death Guard's First Captain Calas Typhon, Mortarion's second-in-command, had long been a secret follower of the Ruinous Powers and eagerly manipulated the rest of the Death Guard into treading the path of damnation. The Khan gazed at Mortarion disdainfully. Mired amid plans that were nearing fruition, the Daemon Primarch of the Death Guard could not yet act to strike at Guilliman. [9], During the Great Crusade, Mortarion led his legion into battle against a Xenos race known as the Jorgall. In an ironic twist of fate, Mortarion has become exactly like the Overlords of Barbarus he vowed to kill ten thousand years ago. "Say what you like about the Fourteenth Legion. Guilliman's return sparked Mortarion's interest in material affairs once more, and for the first time in 10,000 years he decided to lead the whole of the Death Guard in a renewed campaign. By your hand shall justice be delivered, and doom shall stalk a thousand worlds.". . The Khan was no fool, of course this new galaxy would all be led by Horus. True to his oath, Mortarion bent his knee to his new-found father as soon as he was sufficiently recovered to do so, although his final act of defiance on Barbarus would leave scars upon him both physical and mental that would never fully heal. Hive Worlds were toppled, and as the Blackness of the Noctis Aeterna descended, there was no escape. In an instant, the Death Lord and his retinue were snatched away, sucked into the vortex of the Warp. In battle, his dark panoply is made up of the following wargear and equipment: Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 19 Council of Nikaea, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 22 Traitors, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 25 Heresy, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 27 Massacre, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 29 The Siege, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 40 Indomitus. Mortarion continued to improve the breathing apparatus and campaigned ever higher into the fog. The Death Guard primarch attempted to sway the Khan to Horus' cause as Jaghatai had surmised, to imagine a galaxy of warriors, of hunters, where the strong were given their freedom to act as they would, unbound by the Emperor's demands.