Alaskans, Wisconsinites and Minnesotans can be a bit trickier to pry apart from Canadians but the rest of the US is pretty distinctly different. "I'm foreign" Best excuse for everything. Some people say Canadian accents just sound like Californian accents, so that could be correct depending on the people you are comparing. Then there's the French Canadian accent you'll hear around Quebec, Montreal, and other bilingual areas. I guess you could say that it's the pronunciation of 'ou,' -- with the exceptions of words such as 'would,' 'should,' etc. Best excuse for everything. 0 | 0 Canada is a huge spread-out country, and you will find many regional accents - French Canadian accents, native-Canadian accents, the good old Newfie accent, accents based on the former language of European settlers, etc. There are so many different Canadian accents that it is hard to pinpoint just one accent. There are really several distinct accents in Canada like the Newfoundland, the Maritime and of course Quebec accent as well as Native accents. by Anonymous : reply 20: 12/18/2020: Two weeks ago an old friend from college and I … Sometimes Canadians say "eh" at the end of sentences. Canadians, like New Englanders, tend to use a slightly different "a" sound, in words like can't, past, dad, etc. Guest Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:41 pm GMT. A few words are pronounced differently. Curious to know what our accent sounds like to others? Really, the "accent" varies across the country. Everyone is capable of speaking the English language.Everyone develops an English accent by what part of the world that you live in.You may not notice yours around the people you live around,but around the world,you will. And I guess I say "house" "howuse". Still have questions? Australian accent on ethnic Sydney siders is OK. Melbourne accent I totally dig, bit understated. Get answers by asking now. Well, I'm from Wisconsin and I have a friend from the English-speaking side near Ontario and I didn't feel she had an accent at all. That stereotypical accent is an anomaly, I'm sure. I have a Canadian accent...very pronounced on certain words, like OUT; I can't even phonetically spell what it sounds like. For one thing, they tend to not draw out vowel sounds, they say quite a few words differently and of course they pronounce the vowel in 'about' and 'house' differently. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. by Anonymous : reply 19: 12/18/2020: Sure do! Almost all Canadians have Canadian raising (whereby the vowel in ‘about’ can sound slightly like American ‘a boat’). I was told by a few people that I have a Canadian accent. Since he is Canadian, his accent is more like the US accent. Newfoundlanders have an accent that is different from the rest of Canada. Is it possible in Canada to still get hot weather in the summer? Most western canadian's sound like those from the norther states. Here's a little video I found on Youtube about Canadians. ", I don't pronounce 'house' 'hoose' I don't say 'aboot'. Because they're from around Newfoundland. User account menu. I agree with the first answer that its regional, just like there's no one american accent. level 2 Why do you ask? Very nice . . Which British accent/dialect sounds closest to NZ(Kiwi) accent? Unanswered. Visiting England in the summer. I think this is the type accent that a lot of Americans take as 'the' Canadian accent. There is a very distinctive east coast accent for example, but even within the "east coast" accent, there is more than one accent - a mix of Irish, Scottish, etc. Perception shift in latter half of 20th century The Ambient is reader-powered. Depends where you're at. In terms of the major sound systems (phonologies) of English around the world, Canadian English aligns most closely to American English, both being grouped together under a common North American English sound system; the mainstream Canadian accent ("Standard Canadian") is often compared to the very similar and largely overlapping "General American" accent, an accent widely spoken throughout the … Relevance. Please, no answers saying "I've never heard one" because that doesn't help. 16 Answers. The accents vary from place to place. I have no idea what Canadians sound like :S. The maritime provinces have a very... unique accent. The French speakers are great people, but they need to learn the language more. Do your impression of a Californian accent. And I'm from British Columbia. Canadians have some weird vowel-shifting and flattening, and it's very hard to describe with text on a screen. smooth? What does a Canadian accent sound like? Offsite Link. car = cur. What English (language) Accent Do You Have? Canadian is certainly the closest foreign accent to sounding American (next IMO would be the accent of Northern Ireland) and on first listen, it might sound American but I think it has a lot of different features. by Anonymous : reply 18: 12/18/2020: gurl, we know what it sounds like, eh? Anonymous. harsh? Also, Canada is very diverse and it’s hard to find a definite accent - most people actually say “abowt”, not “aboot”. Pretty sure I've never said 'eh' in my life (no one I know says it)...unless someone from another country says ''say it, say it, say eh! His accent does not strike me as divorced from others in Southern England. Posted by 19 hours ago. Your impression of the Californian accent probably has a "laid-back" sound… Log In Sign Up. Curious to know what our accent sounds like to others? And in fact, there is NO 'Canadian' accent. Press J to jump to the feed. are our R's annoying haha. dollar in a Canadian accent sounds like doe-ler, compared to da-ler where I live. What does a Canadian accent sound like? What are the cross border travel restrictions between Canada and U.S. due to COVID? 0 0 1. Nyeh. Relevance. Favourite answer. 4 Answers. Learn more. Watch Canadian Bacon (that's the stereotypical Canadian accent, but literally no one I know sounds like that). Favourite answer. jennifer h. Lv 7. It's become something of a weird American joke that we say aboot instead of about. just a few examples that come to mind. Oh, and most Canadians are able to say that they are guilty of adding "eh" to the end of their sentences. I know alot of people who adore the British accent, and i find it to be very sexy on guys! Because they're from around Newfoundland. While certain regional dialects persevere on both sides of the border—take Newfoundland or Texas, for example—to anyone outside of the two countries, the difference between a Canadian and American accent is non-existent. The interviews, speeches of Quebecois comes often with subtitles, mainly for the different vocabulary but also for an incomprehensible sound. How do you think about the answers? There are so many different Canadian accents that it is hard to pinpoint just one accent. That one goes for all of Canada. Visiting England in the summer. Why is Canada Post so slow in delivering parcels and mail? I had a loud Newfie classmate. Well...there really is no "Canadian accent" because the way a person speaks is different around the country. Some words they pronounce differently - Toronto is pronounce Tronno by many locals, which is … I guess … Ron MacLean is the normal one. 5 1. Sorry = sore-y. 3. 16 Answers. "I'm foreign" Best excuse for everything. Canadian raising occurs for / aɪ / before voiceless consonants, as in Philadelphia; for instance, the word like [lʌik] begins with a higher nucleus than live [laɪv]. I have relatives (sort-of) from London, Ontario and I noticed that there are differences between a Canadian accent and an American one, but it is a little difficult for me to explain. I never would have guessed -- your English is very fluent!". And this last part may be my imagination (please don't shoot me if I'm wrong,) but the accent sounds slightly deeper. Personal observation: Canadian accents (there are actually several) are very easy to detect in French and for the most part do not sound like any modern regional accents. What does a Canadian accent sound like? Here's what Australian, Indian, British and German Alexa sound like. I'm from western Canada (technically from the exact center but that's the great thing about manitoba, if the eastern part of canada has done something stupid you say your from the western part, if the western part has done something stupid you say your from the east and if they're both equally as stupid that're from the's excellet). Maybe the central people do. I love Canadians! When it comes to foreign accents, most people usually consider "standards" like the British accent, the Australian accent and the Spanish accent to be the sexiest of them all. What exactly does a Canadian accent sound like to a foreigner? I'm Canadian and I don't think I have an accent, but apparently we do. I have no idea what Canadians sound like :S. Answer Save. This is clearly a different situation from Ireland, Scotland and Wales, where English accents keep a connection (even if tenuous) to the Irish, Gaelic, Scots or Welsh languages. What does a Canadian accent sound like? What are the cross border travel restrictions between Canada and U.S. due to COVID? the word 'sorry' sounds like sore-eeee, compared to the way people say it around where I live: sare-eeee. Answer Save. In most Canadian accents, about sounds a bit like American a-boat (IPA əbʌʊt)., We were talking for a few minutes before he asked, "So where are you from? CBC is our national radio/TV network. Why is Canada Post so slow in delivering parcels and mail? 1 decade ago. 7 years ago. Davison, Robert, b.1884 (male, labourer). James Stables. And to illustrate, here's a clip from the most Canadian programme on television: Hockey Night in Canada. What does the Canadian accent sound like to the British ears? Do we pronounce any words strangely? And it comes through more in certain words — like … 10 Facts & Tips on the Unique South African Accent 1. Heh, just a funny memory of mine that made me laugh: Last March I was in Mexico for a week, and while there I met a man from Minnesota. Answer Save. Does it sound annoying or stupid, or do you like it? Which British accent/dialect sounds closest to Australian accent? Look up some Rick Mercer(typical Canadian with a hint of Maritime accent, listen to how he pronounces "car") on youtube, or also look for some Trailer Park Boys or Corner Gas, or Bob and Doug McKenzie, who parody to some extent but sound like some Canadians, especially rural and older ones. How much is the average id pay for uni in ontario canada domestic fee per year? Why Is Canada Governed by an Elite Aristocracy? I haven't been able to find any decent descriptions, could anyone answer? I was born and raised in Canada before moving to the US! 1 decade ago. Now do your impression of a Canadian accent. You can sign in to vote the answer. There is a very distinctive east coast accent for example, but even within the "east coast" accent, there is more than one accent - a mix of Irish, Scottish, etc. People claim that people from Eastern Canada speak and pronounce words differently than those from Western Canada, but frankly, I've never heard the difference. The maritime provinces have a very... unique accent… Then enters Canadian English. Canadian accents (there are many, including accents in French, like Quebecois) sound very much like American accents to me. The Canadian Dainty accent is similar to the Mid-Atlantic accent, native to Old Hollywood, which melded American English with British pronunciation. 9 Answers. Is it nice? I'm from Ontario, Canada.. For the most part, apparently we Canadians pronounce a few certain words "differently," such as 'house,' 'about,' 'plough,' and so on. 2. Just out of interest. When traveling in other countries people just assume that I'm american until I tell them otherwise...although once someone thought I was Australian...that was kinda cool. Im a New Zealand/ Australian and have recently been to Canada I was very impressed with Canadians and the accent is smooth, polite, clear, soft and friendly. ", I replied, "A small town in British Columbia. Well, not all of them ofc. I think they sound soo sophisticated, and intriguing. My wife, who is French Canadian, was visiting France a few years ago and someone mentioned that she spoke with the same accent as a nearby small town who spoke 16th century French. Relevance. Is there any specific culture to Canadians ancestors which were also Canadian down the family tree. This is what all of Alexa's accents sound like G'day! Do your impression of a Californian accent. Russell Peters is very typical Southern Ontario/Toronto. I dunno about the pronounciation of House and things differently. Lv 5. The pronunciation of “about” as “aboot” is likely the only Canadianism they know. But the Newfoundland English and Cape Breton English are totally different kinds of English, and they don't sound like American. What does the Canadian accent sound like to the British ears? Well- that’s pretty logical, Canadians live in America. Answer Save. Canadian here. 4. The … not sure how to exactly describe it.... one way I can pick up a Canadian accent(I'm from the Buffalo NY area BTW) is the pronunciation of the "O" in words. jennifer h. Lv 7. What does a Canadian accent sound like? Trump says niece is embracing 'conspiracy theories', Warnock wins runoff as Dems inch closer to taking Senate, Rapper Dr. Dre hospitalized after brain aneurysm, Ravens QB asks Trump for help with commutation, Duff claims COVID-19 tests gave her an eye infection, How Biden's Electoral College victory will play out, GOP refusal to seat state senator sparks chaos, Some find stimulus money sent to wrong accounts, The story behind an eye-rolling toddler's viral TikTok, Source: Kim is preparing to divorce Kanye West. Unanswered. I am neither American nor Canadian, but I am all about girls who say "aboot". Is there any specific culture to Canadians ancestors which were also Canadian down the family tree. Why Is Canada Governed by an Elite Aristocracy? 'AGT' magician called 'fraud' and 'cheat' after fail The General Canadian accent sounds very close to the General American accent. He's still the only person I know who says po tah toe. Look for a youtube video called "newfie court". What do you think of the answers? They're explaining some stuff about Canada which isn't really important (or true), but you'll get to hear how they speak! Posted by 19 hours ago. Canadian accents are most definitely different from American, but the differences are in very subtle vowel changes. My mom has one. The English Canadian is fairly neutral accent-wise, with some odd intonations. Don Cherry is the loud one who loves the ugly suits. Anyone who thinks a country the size of Canada can possibly have one accent is dreaming. Very American indeed. ", And then he said, "No way! A mixture of four accents 00:00:09; A mixture with a slight South African 'tang' 00:00:08; A newscaster accent, an accent with no accent 00:00:11; A soft northern accent with a bit of London 00:00:18; A wee bit mixed 00:00:11; Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire. If you want standard educated Canadian, look for some CBC recordings. Eh, ow's it goin' der? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. What do Canadian accents sound like? Close. Favourite answer. I was wondering what Canadian accents sounded like? Hey what does the canadian accent sound like to other people? There is no Canadian accent. Now do your impression of a Canadian accent. etc. Left side of Canada is British Canadian while the right side is French Canadian. Look up some Rick Mercer(typical Canadian with a hint of Maritime accent, listen to how he pronounces "car") on youtube, or also look for some Trailer Park Boys or Corner Gas, or Bob and Doug McKenzie, who parody to some extent but sound like some Canadians, especially rural and older ones. When it comes to foreign accents, most people usually consider "standards" like the British accent, the Australian accent and the Spanish accent to be the sexiest of them all. My cousin's cousin is a Greek Canadian, and his accent when speaking Greek is funny. The big difference between Seattle and Vancouver, for example, is the vowel pronunciation. The interviews, speeches of Quebecois comes often with subtitles, mainly for the different vocabulary but also for an incomprehensible sound. ... Just as annoying as the American accent.. cant tell the difference till i see the flag. I do however say 'bean' when asking someone how they've been. Close. I am Canadian and was recently in the U.S.A. But around Toronto the diphthong tends to be fronted ( əbɛʊt or ‘a-beh-oot’), while in Western Canada and the Prairies it tends to be back ( əbʌʊt or ‘a-buh-oot’). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Everything West of Ontario basically has a Mid-Western American accent. On guys it sounds kind of primal, almost like the Sydney Lebanese accent, but slower and less excited. I offer these examples of Canadian politicians with this pronunciation (shortly into each clip): Darrell Dexter, Premier of Nova Scotia Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto It sounds like a French accent. This is the type of accent you're probably used to hearing in Hollywood movies. There are regional accents - a native of Halifax sounds very different than someone born and raised in Victoria and there are differences between the Calgarian and the Torontonian. Every other time including from my own throat I think it is the unsexiest tonal sound imaginable. I'm not going to wear anything maple leaf ... when in Rome, act like Romans...or whatever the quote is lol. Well not strictly British, but some Irish accents sound fairly close to most … The word “map” for example, could sound like … That's hard to answer, because most Canadians don't think they have an accent. Which British accent/dialect sounds closest to Canadian accent? 1 decade ago. I’m English my wife is French. Is it nice? 9 Answers. It always seems like she has a slight Canadian accent and the fact that she says she's a "hockey mom" instead of a "soccer mom" makes her sound more like a Canadian... plus she hunts moose and all other kinds of Canadian like things she does... By the way, ever hear the song "Canadian Idiot"? So my answer is going to be about how my accent sounded to people here, and Pittsburgh has a pretty specific regional accent. by Anonymous : reply 17: 12/18/2020: R117 EAUT . Not the people from texas lol, just a normal Canadian/American accent., Mostly, I find that I say "eh" at the end of every sentence. Get your answers by asking now. You also don't seem to have quite as many vowel sounds as Americans or British people. I don't. Still have questions? I've also heard that we talk a bit faster, but I don't think that's necessarily true. The people who usually pronounce words like literature like the British 'lit-truh-chur' (the 'truh' sound having like 'ch' sound as in tree) would also pronounce other similar words in the British way, like military as 'mil-uh-tree'.. At least, that's how it sounds to me.. I know this sounds like a silly question, but I wish I knew what an American accent sounded like to non-Americans! As for the more typical Canadian accent, it pretty much sounds like Americans aboot 99% of the time except they have their own annoying idiosyncrasies. Lv 5. The accent reflects “Canadian raising” which is a changing of vowel pronunciation before voiceless consonants. There are at least 8-10 different Canadian accents. Origin. For example, I find Americans pronounce the word 'hockey' as 'hackey' or 'vodka' as 'vadka' but other than that I don't find too much of a difference. WRP Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:49 pm GMT. Relevance. We don't have huge variations across the country, with the exception of the Maritime provinces which can have some pretty strong accents but they're disappearing with everyone's access to media. Anything with an "or" sound, you can tell if they're Canadian. @stablesjames Wednesday. A heavy ukranian accent will sound russian, a lighter one will sound german. At first it really sounds funny to us as any strange accent, especially this one because it's like you have half of your nose full of something. I think its bearable if from Auckland, low pitched and mischief. Relevance. If you click through using links on the site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Favourite answer. Well, not all of them ofc. Is it possible in Canada to still get hot weather in the summer? I have no idea what Canadians sound like :S. Answer Save. Unanswered. It often, though not always, sounds a bit … Why Does It Sound Like That. Perhaps the 'ou' is a central Canadian thing; we say house the same as Americans in Alberta and BC. Do we sound "hard"? Hey what does the canadian accent sound like to other people? I grew up in Sandusky, Michigan and moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania when I was 31. harsh? Canadian English I am not very familiar with, but American English accent I like because is not too 'unique' (like British accent) and is easy to both listen to and speak in. 1 decade ago. smooth? The maritime provinces have a very... unique accent. theatre = tea ate her . Thanks :) x We call them newfies. Central Canadian. are our R's annoying haha. They do not know how to distinguish between the two or how to make sure they are sounding South African and not Australian when they speak. level 2 What does our accent sound like to you British people? It's really distinctive. The French Canadian is bastardized and hard to listen to. Over Canada’s 150-year history, the Canuck English accent has varied in sound and strength, depending on the region. We call them newfies. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. I dunno, I can pick Canucks pretty easily even without the telltale 'o' sounds. Did Justin Bieber learn british accent? Depends where you're at. Anonymous. Origin. I am Canadian and I've always wonder what a Canadian accent sounds like to other people in the world. Many actors may shy away from this accent because it is so similar to an Australian accent. I'm not going to wear anything maple leaf ... when in Rome, act like … This is like..a really strong accent..more in the beginning: the word 'sorry' sounds like sore-eeee, compared to the way people say it around where I live: sare-eeee, dollar in a Canadian accent sounds like doe-ler, compared to da-ler where I live. Unanswered. If you want standard educated Canadian, look for some CBC recordings. Then there's the prairies. It is very similar to American English though does retain some British influence as well as some strictly Canadian sounds. What does the Canadian accent sound like? What English accent do you have?Do you have an American,British (English),Australian,or a Latin accent? French Canadians have an accent that is obvious. Really? Your impression of the Californian accent probably has a "laid-back" sound… What does a Canadian accent sound like? 2. At first it really sounds funny to us as any strange accent, especially this one because it's like you have half of your nose full of something. 33 Comments . From my biased experience, Canadians are the nicest people on earth lolz :), Stand a Newfie up beside a Cree Canadian and have them both speak and you'd never guess they came from the same country. something like a wisconsoner but with more aye aye aye. 2. To my ears, some Canadians don't sound like they have an accent, others sound like a weird mixture of a Minnesota accent crossed with a California one. … his accent is an anomaly, I can pick Canucks pretty easily even the! For example, is the loud one who loves the ugly suits ''. Like, eh Pennsylvania when I was told by a few what does a canadian accent sound like I... Cape Breton English are totally different kinds of English, and most Canadians are cross... Is OK. Melbourne accent I totally dig, bit understated fail I am neither nor..., look for some CBC recordings the ugly suits ) sound very much like American (! Anonymous: reply 19: 12/18/2020: sure do, the `` accent '' because that does help... Can sign in to give your opinion on the answer I live Greek Canadian, look some... Answers saying `` I 'm Canadian and was recently in the U.S.A as “ ”! Just a normal Canadian/American accent accent-wise, with some odd intonations cousin 's cousin is a Greek Canadian, for. 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