The proposal to put the amendment question on the ballot was approved with support from only Democrats, as was Senate Bill 687, the accompanying legislation to set graduated rates beginning in January 2021, should the amendment pass. Contribution reports from the state elections board show how committees raised money and spent it. Currently, the Illinois Constitution (Section 3, Article IX) is explicit that a tax on income shall be nongraduated. A simple majority vote from both chambers in the General Assembly and a signature from the governor is all that is needed to raise rates currently, and that would remain the case with the passage of the amendment. It gives the State the ability to impose higher tax rates on those with higher income levels and lower income tax rates on those with middle or lower income levels. Gov. But proponents say the tax actually helps small business, especially those whose earnings are volatile from year to year. Your membership makes our reporting possible. Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. described the experience as a “fur missile” being launched his way. See the video: Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. The nonpartisan Tax Foundation said if Illinois voters approve the change, it would take the state’s tax competitiveness among the entire country down from No. The amendment would remove the portion of the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution that is sometimes referred to as the "flat tax," that requires all taxes on income to be at the same rate. The following ranks, and only these ranks, of the academic staff as defined in Article IX, Section 4a, are subject to the provisions of Article X, Section 1: professor, associate professor, and assistant professor. 11.1 county seats; 11.2 county government; 11.3 county officers and their compensation; 12 article xi corporations. Vote NO. The amendment does not itself change tax rates. No tax shall be levied except in accordance with law. For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution… Illinois residents vote on the Illinois Fair Tax in this Election happening November 3 rd. Under the proposed amendment, the tax rate drops to 4.75 percent for the first $10,000 of a taxpayer’s income. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution.||For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution. 47. The thing that matters to me here is the sustainable trajectory of the state" Severinghaus said. " Total vote, 3,047,822. Unfortunately, Article IX, Section 3 of the Illinois Constitution mandates that the state income tax be imposed at one flat rate across all levels of income. 1 WIS. CONSTITUTION WISCONSIN CONSTITUTION UPDATED THROUGH APRIL 2008 ELECTION. Gov. Unions and grassroots groups are supporting the fair tax campaign with non-monetary, in-kind contributions of goods or services — mostly hours of time from organizers and field workers. Grassroots Collaborative, a nonprofit coalition of 11 groups that focus on community organizing, social justice and labor rights, among other issues, AFSCME Illinois Council No. Once a single filer exceeds $750,000 or joint filers exceed $1 million, the top rate of 7.99 percent will apply at a flat rate to every penny of income. Opposition groups also point to June comments from Treasurer Michael Frerichs, a Democrat who has no role in setting tax rates, who said it was “worth a discussion” to consider taxing retirement income on certain brackets. The amendment would remove the portion of the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution that is sometimes referred to as the "flat tax," that requires all taxes on income to be at the same rate. 2. And that’s going to affect bottom line, wages, and jobs in our state, and we can’t have that right now.”. The amendment does not itself change tax rates. Equality; inherent rights. On the ballot, voters will see the question worded as follows: “The proposed amendment grants the State authority to impose higher income tax rates on higher income levels, which is how the federal government and a majority of other states do it. “This will protect them under both circumstances. “They’re not baked into the constitutional amendment. Except as provided in Section 3.2 of this article, it shall be competent to provide in any charter framed for a county under any provision of this Constitution, or by the amendment of any such charter, for the election of the members of the county board of education of such county and for their qualifications and terms of office. Laws 1971, LB 504, sec. It failed to … Think Big Illinois was founded in February 2019 with two objectives: get the constitutional amendment on the ballot, then convince Illinoisans it's a good idea to join 32 other states, the District of Columbia and the federal government in using a graduated income tax. The bulk of the money goes through the Coalition To Stop The Proposed Tax Hike Amendment committee. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution. It gives the State the ability to impose higher tax rates on those with higher income levels and lower income tax rates on those with middle or lower income levels. Illinois Family Institute Position: Vote NO. A majority of states and the federal government already use … Chicago entrepreneur Erik Severinghaus is among the 3% of Illinoisans wealthy enough that he'll have to pay more next year under a graduated income tax if voters approve a change to the state constitution on Nov. 3. The amendment would remove this limitation and instead opens the door for lawmakers to pass a new income tax rate structure. I love building businesses here. Saying the Fair Tax amendment is controversial is akin to calling Tom Brady a pretty good quarterback. Allowing for a graduated tax renders the language moot, they argue. For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution… "This isn't about what I would be paying next year. TWO Year Term For the pro ed amendment of Section 3 NINETY-FOURTH REPRESENTATIVE whether the proposed amendment should FOR REPRESENTATIVE higher Income levels and lower income tax rates on those with middle or lower REPRESENTATIVE rates. Other Constitutional provisions regarding taxes. View Article XVII-3 Repealed 1972. Bruce Rauner – who has donated $46.75 million to the Coalition to Stop the Proposed Tax Hike Amendment, a business-tied group led by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. The graduated tax would only add to that, they say, claiming that it might drive high-earning residents from the state. The vote will be on the ballot as "Proposed Amendment to Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution." "Then on the other side, you have some very, very wealthy special interests who frankly don't seem to want to pay their fair share in taxes.". You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution.”. The proposed constitutional amendment that will appear on the Nov. 3 ballot in Illinois will either help the state get back on a good financial track or give legislators free rein to raise taxes, depending on who’s doing the opining. Follow Paris Schutz on Twitter: @paschutz, More voter resources: 2020 Voter Guide to the General Election. of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution. Again, the current rate is 4.95 percent on any taxable income. Some say voters approving a change from a flat income tax to a progressive one will make taxing retirement at certain levels easier for lawmakers. SECTION 3. Opposition, led in large part by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, has centered on what the tax would do to businesses and what lawmakers might do in the future if voters give them the opportunity to levy taxes on portions of the electorate at any one time, rather than on every taxpayer at once. It would have amended Section 8 of Article X of the Illinois Constitution. Behind the main committee opposing the tax change are not only some of Illinois' wealthiest executives, but farmers and small business owners. The other is Kenneth Griffin – Illinois’ wealthiest person, founder of the hedge fund Citadel and former major donor to former Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner's administration. After that, income up to $100,000 is taxed at 4.9 percent. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. The Coalition to Stop the Proposed Tax Hike Amendment gets the bulk of its funding through a $20 million donation from Illinois wealthiest resident: the founder of Citadel, Ken Griffin. Following him, are $100,000 donations from Chicago-area executives or business groups: Supporters of the coalition agree that Illinois lawmakers can't be trusted with "a blank check," said committee spokeswoman Lissa Druss. Neither the amendment nor the accompanying legislation would change the level of authority lawmakers have to raise tax rates. Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution that is sometimes referred to as the “flat tax,” that requires all taxes on income to be at the same rate. At any one time there may be no more than one such tax imposed by the State for State purposes on individuals and one … But there does come a time where you say, 'Does it make sense to continue to live here versus Texas or Florida or any number of states that have lower or no income tax?". “They wanted us to trust them, and on the tax hike that they’re proposing, we won’t be voting on those tax rates,” said Lissa Druss, spokesperson for the political committee Stop the Proposed Tax Hike Amendment. Wednesday, October 07, 2020 at 02:44 PM | … Note: This report was originally published on March 11, 2019, based on the information in Governor J.B. Pritzker’s “Fair Tax for Illinois” presentation, delivered on March 7, 2019.The report has been updated to reflect the rates as adopted in Public Act 101-0008, which will take effect if a constitutional amendment is approved by voters on Election Day allowing a graduated-rate income tax. LIMITATIONS ON INCOME TAXATION (a) A tax on or measured by income shall be at a non-graduated rate. “Higher taxes are just another recipe for employers to leave. It’s funded to the tune of $51 million entirely from Pritzker himself. Note: This report was originally published on March 11, 2019, based on the information in Governor J.B. Pritzker’s “Fair Tax for Illinois” presentation, delivered on March 7, 2019.The report has been updated to reflect the rates as adopted in Public Act 101-0008, which will take effect if a constitutional amendment is approved by voters on Election Day allowing a graduated-rate income tax. J.B. Pritzker said in an interview with CNN on Sunday that President Donald Trump and his local allies are in part responsible for the state's rising case numbers and positivity rates. Here's who wants to sway your vote. They also point out the added revenues would not cover state budget deficits amid the pandemic and would require further tax hikes in the future, which could mean adjusting the brackets to raise rates on middle-income earners. The Illinois Fair Tax was a proposed amendment to the Illinois state constitution that would have changed the state income tax system from a flat tax to a graduated income tax.The proposal, formally titled the "Allow for Graduated Income Tax Amendment", appeared on the ballot in the November 3, 2020 election in Illinois as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment. 12.1 banks; 12.2 railroads; 13 article xii militia; 14 article xiii warehouses; 15 article xiv amendments to the constitution; 16 sections separately submitted. Check out the Herald and Review's most-read stories from the past week. They also note both graduated tax measures are devoid of any meaningful immediate property tax reforms. Pritzker said Wednesday he believes opponents of the tax are trying to mislead the middle class and retirees into believing they will eventually pay higher rates. Most (32 of 50) states have a graduated income tax, with different rates applied to different lev… Illinois voters have the opportunity in the 2020 General Election to decide whether to change the State Constitution so that the state income tax can be taxed at a graduated rate, or not to change it and to continue to tax income at a flat rate. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution. Illinois Passes Constitutional Amendment to Allow a Progressive Income Tax Voters will decide next year whether to impose it. The debate goes as far back as the 1930s, when the state Supreme Court rejected a graduated tax, the Associated Press reports. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) It would delete the sentences that mandate a tax rate that is the same for all levels of income: “A tax on or measured by income shall be at a non-graduated rate. Graduated Income Tax Amendment. 31, representing more than 75,000 public service employees, Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council, a chapter of the AFL-CIO, the largest federation of unions in the nation, Shriver Center on Poverty Law, a public policy organization focusing on racial inequity and poverty, SEIU Healthcare Illinois, a union representing home care, child care, nursing home and health systems workers, Jay Bergman, CEO of Petco Petroleum Corporation and Republican political donor (donated $100,000 twice), Craig Duchossois, founder of The Duchossois Group, a holding company (donated $100,000 twice), Donald Wilson, CEO of the DRW Trading firm, Satter Foundation, a philanthropic organization founded by investor Muneer Satter (Satter also donated $100,000), Richard Uihlein, husband of Liz Uihlein, Republican megadonors and co-founders of Wisconsin-based shipping and office supply company Uline, MacNeil Automotive Products, an auto parts supplier, 4.75 percent on single or joint filers’ first $10,000 of taxable income, 4.9 percent on single or joint filers’ income from over $10,000 to $100,000, 4.95 percent on single or joint filers’ income from over $100,000 to $250,000, 7.75 percent on a single filer’s income from over $250,000 to $350,000 and joint filers’ from over $250,000 to $500,000, 7.85 percent on a single filer’s income from over $350,000 to $750,000 and joint filers’ from over $350,000 to $1 million. The omnipresent TV and social media advertising regarding the amendment has largely been funded thus far by two billionaires whose combined donations top $100 million. While farmers and business groups such as local chambers of commerce did their part, the people who would be immediately affected by the graduated tax, such as Severinghaus, dominated the campaign. In estimates released before the COVID-19 pandemic, the governor’s office said the graduated tax is expected to bring in about $1.2 billion for the current fiscal year as it would be in place for only part of it, and $3.4 billion once it is in place for a full year. They also project the change would make the corporate tax in Illinois at nearly 10.5 percent, the second-highest in the nation. The new language would read: The new language would read: Then the organization formed the Vote Yes for Fairness, which has flooded television, the internet and social media with advertising. Illinois residents vote on the Illinois Fair Tax in this Election happening November 3 rd. But opponents are skeptical of what the added revenues would be used for, as the amendment and accompanying legislation contain no guarantees and the state’s pension burden continues to increase. The vote will be on the ballot as "Proposed Amendment to Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution." The Illinois Farm Bureau was involved as far back as 1968 in discussions to oppose a graduated income tax structure, said Kevin Semlow, director of state legislation for the organization made up of farmers statewide. For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution.” Constitution ballot proposed amendment to the 1970 Illinois Constitution A … Opponents of changing the flat tax have said small businesses will take the brunt of the proposed tax hike. View Print Friendly: View Article XVII-4 General election of state. But opponents continue to point to Frerichs’ comments, although the treasurer has since said he does not support a retirement tax. Pritzker frequently notes he inherited a state government “hollowed out” by budget cuts from previous administrations and a two-year state budget impasse during which the state spent roughly $5 billion more than it took in each year, driving a backlog of unpaid bills up to $16 billion. The tax credit would decrease by $5 per child for every $2,000 of income a filer has above those amounts. Section 3 Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. But even before the pandemic, Pritzker pegged Illinois’ structural, year-after-year budget deficit at $3.2 billion, and he has framed the graduated tax debate as a choice between 15 percent across-the-board cuts to state government, a 20 percent flat tax hike or passage of the graduated rates. The new language would read: “The General Assembly shall provide by law for the rate or rates of any tax on or measured by income imposed by the State. Over 95% of small businesses earn $250,000 or less a year in profits, and their owners will not see a … From Ballotpedia. (WTTW News). If any taxes imposed for such replacement purposes are taxes on or measured by income, such replacement taxes shall not be considered for purposes of the limitations of one tax and the ratio of 8 to 5 set forth in Section 3(a) of this Article. Illinoisans will be asked whether or not to change the state’s income tax system from a flat tax to a graduated tax, where those with higher incomes pay more than those with lower incomes. TWO Year Term For the pro ed amendment of Section 3 NINETY-FOURTH REPRESENTATIVE whether the proposed amendment should FOR REPRESENTATIVE higher Income levels and lower income tax rates on those with middle or lower REPRESENTATIVE rates. Of those 12, nine do not levy income taxes at all. "Who's on the other side? Those in favor of the amendment argue the added revenue could make it easier to fully fund the evidence-based funding formula for K-12 schools, which – years down the line, they say – could alleviate property tax pressures by shifting funding responsibility from local taxes to the state. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution. “Illinois is in a fiscal hole and we need revenue to get out of it, and we believe that revenue should come from those who have it and afford it, and take the burden off lower and middle income Illinoisans,” said Quentin Fulks, executive director of the political committee Vote Yes For Fairness. Alex Muresianu | 5.31.2019 1:20 PM Two billionaires account for almost all of each side's total fundraising. then {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}} per month. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Georgia update: Warnock makes history with Senate win as Dems near majority, according to the personal finance website Wallethub, ICYMI: Here are the Herald & Review's most-read stories from the past week, Listen now: CapitolCast podcast on COVID-19 levels and early voting in 2020, Watch now: Pritzker blames President Trump and his allies for coronavirus spike in Illinois, Watch now: Indiana mayor 'mauled' by K-9 for police training exercise, Watch now: Illinois gets first shipment of COVID vaccine, Watch now: Gov. “We’re talking about employers, and we’re talking about a state that is seeing people flee by the minute,” Druss said. But Severinghaus said paying more isn't his problem with what supporters call the "fair tax," which would allow lawmakers to scrap Illinois' existing flat-rate system and tax Illinoisans who earn more than $250,000 annually at a higher rate. After Pritzker, a 55-year-old businessman worth $3.4 billion, was elected governor in November 2018, his campaign didn't disappear. The Capitol News Illinois team discusses a new surge in COVID-19 cases, record level advance voting ahead of the 2020 elections, the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus agenda and other major news of the week. 10 article ix revenue; 11 article x counties. In Illinois, income is taxed at 4.95 percent. Danielle Sanders is a writer and journalist living in Chicago. View Print Friendly: View Article XVII-6 Transferred to Article III, section 30, Constitution of Nebraska. The rates would go from a flat tax of 4.95% to a graduated structure. The only thing baked into the constitutional amendment is giving Springfield more power, asking us to trust them.”, A billboard in Chicago promotes voting in favor of the so-called fair tax in the November election. "We have one billionaire who's spending money to raise his own taxes," said Lara Sisselman, a spokeswoman for both Think Big Illinois and Vote Yes for Fairness. For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution. You can cancel at any time. Our sources are the amendment itself, which is a change to the Illinois Constitution in article IX, section 3. Of the 41 states that levy an income tax, Illinois is one of only three that exempts all retirement income — no matter how wealthy you are — and that is not fair to middle-class working people. For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, YES/NO. That’s according to a report by the left-leaning Washington D.C.-based Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. o YES o NO (Source: Illinois Constitution.) But if it fails to reach the 60 percent threshold for those voting on the question but still musters “yes” votes from more than half of those voting in the election, it would still pass. It’s perhaps Gov. The amendment would remove the portion of the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution that is sometimes referred to as the “flat tax,” that requires all taxes on income to be at the same rate. Proposed Amendment to Section 8 of Article III of the Illinois Constitution — Elections. The measure also raises the corporate tax rate to 7.99 percent from 7 percent and does not change the Corporate Property Replacement tax of 1.5 to 2.5 percent which already exists in current law. Sign up for our morning newsletter to get all of our stories delivered to your mailbox each weekday. Section 1. In an ongoing series of editorials, we have outlined why Illinois voters should vote no. Elements of it morphed into a nonprofit focused on achieving his agenda, including the promise of a graduated income tax. The Illinois State Senate voted to approve putting a constitutional amendment on the November 2020 ballot. The idea, according to much of the advertising against the amendment, is that giving Springfield politicians the authority to raise taxes on just a small group of taxpayers at any one time makes it easier politically to raise taxes, even though the simple majority vote threshold remains unchanged. Tax imposed only by law; statement of purpose. The framers’ inclusion of the language, proponents say, was aimed at stopping lawmakers from creating a multi-tiered tax structure through a series of limited flat taxes on different levels of income. The specific language that voters will see reads: The proposed amendment grants the State authority to impose higher income tax rates on higher income levels, which is how the federal government and a majority of other states do it. This Article is not qualified or limited by the provisions of Article VII of this Constitution concerning the size of the majorities in the General Assembly necessary to deny or limit the power to tax granted to units of local government. How each side raised the remaining 4% reveals the institutional forces trying to shape public opinion through the two aggressive and expensive campaigns. ... We're seeing proponents really engaging across the board of the last few years.". A ‘fair tax’ on high retirement incomes is key to ending our financial woes. impose higher tax rates on those with higher income levels and lower tax rates on those with middle or lower income levels. Also, if the state legislature so chooses, it could raise taxes at a future date, but rates have to be within the progressive structure in which higher incomes are taxed at higher rates than lower or middle incomes. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution. "I am all for paying my fair share. I love to finding ways to employ more people. Danielle Sanders is a writer and journalist living in Chicago. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution. The mailers, TV commercials and phone calls are coming at residents from groups in favor of and opposition to the so-called fair tax. "You're seeing a number of organizations who represent working people, regular people who are trying to take care of themselves and their families, their kids, care for elderly relatives, one one side," Lewis said. One of that group’s other concerns is how the new structure would hurt businesses that claim pass-through income and are taxed at the individual rate instead of the corporate rate. The voter is then asked: "For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution," and given the option of "Yes/Si" or "No." Yet clear is who will win the ballot as `` proposed amendment should become a of... Would remove this limitation and instead opens the door for lawmakers to pass a income! Limitations on income shall be at a non-graduated rate might drive high-earning from! How committees raised money and spent it tax would only add to,. Missile ” being launched his way revenue Article not Limited this is not going hurt... List of Illinois Article III of the money went to consultants said small businesses will the... Issue for our members that was very important richest men, Illinois Constitution — elections TV commercials and phone are! 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