as well as in Mesopotamia (Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria), the Indus Valley (Pakistan), the Nile Valley (Africa) and the Mediterranean River (Italy, Greece, Palestine and Jordan). The massive root ball attached to the base of the trunk requires the use of a crane in most cases. CHOOSE THE BETTER CULTIVARS. Don’t forget we do offer delivery and installation services throughout the State of Florida. — Jorge M. This will give your tree its yearly maintenance, and make sure the palm doesn’t grow unwanted fruit that will drop to the floor. We have them in a wide range of sizes, and can find you the perfect tree for any application. Thick canopy of silvery green to dark green. Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as date or date palm, is a flowering plant species in the palm family, Arecaceae, cultivated for its edible sweet fruit.Although its exact place of origin is uncertain because of long cultivation, it probably originated from the Fertile Crescent region straddling Egypt and Mesopotamia. In our climate, the environment favors the disease-causing organisms, not desert palms. USDA Zones 8b (15 to 20 F) to 11 (above 40 F). It slowly grows about 1 foot a year to a height of 80-100 feet. Yellow Brown Date. Florida soils are nutrient-poor and typically have a pH above 8.0. The Date palm needs a medium amount of water and well draining soil. It is best to choose cultivars reported to be more tolerant of humidity and rain. Medjool date palms & Delget date palms are being very widely planted today for their tropical landscape appeal. b.) These silvery, blue-green fronds can grow up to 15’ long, and 2’ wide, making the diameter of the spread of the largest palms 30 feet. Save some of the seeds by removing them from the center of the dates. Medjool is fairly tolerant of summer rain and humidity, but the Deglet Noor is not. 5. They do well in California, especially in the deserts, where it rains a lot less than it does in Florida or the South East U.S. The Medjool Date Palm tree, Phoenix dactylifera, is a slow growing tree that is very drought resistant, and the Medjool palm tree slowly grows into a very large tree that produces the delicious dates that are marketed at Christmas time. Palm honey is made from the finest dates in the Land of Israel, among which are the ‘Medjool’. Plant them in sand, not muck, not marl. The "true" date palm from which the tasty fruit is obtained is Phoenix dactylifera which is a multi-stemmed palm from which the suckers are usually removed to create single stemmed specimens. For example, date palm leaves are used for Palm Sunday in the Christian religion, and are mentioned more than 50 times in the Bible. The male date palm yields flowers that produce the pollen, and the female date palm yields flowers which will become dates, if they are pollinated. Use a ring dike around trunk for irrigation. a.) Maintain an area around the tree weed-free and flower-free. For container-grown plants, slide the palm out … Most Medjool Date Palm Trees sold in Florida come from California fruit producers that are selling off the older, less productive cultivars to make room for newer, better fruiting cultivars. Medjool Date Palm Description Although there are many palms that we call "date palms". Dactylifera is a combination of the Greek word dactylus, or "finger," and the Latin word ferous, or "bearing." These regal date palms have become a very popular choice for both residential and commercial landscape designs. Most commercial growers remove the spines when harvesting. There are many problems for which there are no treatments available, but treat anything you can treat, and do so promptly. Simply collect and wash the pits from some medjool dates, then let them germinate for a couple months. The fruit is an ancient cultivated food that has importance in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and other tropical to subtropical areas. Though no edible date palms are well adapted to South Florida, some can do well in north Florida and the South East US if planted correctly. The biggest issue when it comes to watering is the water not draining past the root ball forming a pool that doesn’t drain at the base of the tree, or water running completely past the root ball and not hitting the root ball at all. With the exception of Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and it’s massive presence in Southern California, the date palm is not as well known in the USA. The cultivar “Medjool” is intermediate in its tolerance of humidity and rain. Summer rain and humidity harm ripening fruit. When it comes to transplanting the date palm, Most species will transplant well, but a large root ball and expertise with moving is required. At times we also carry Mediterranean Fan Palms, Sabal Palms, and Canary Island palms. Dates are also rich in oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, protein and fiber. Fertilizing with nitrogen promotes faster trunk growth, leading to faster fruit bearing. Buy a beautiful carved Palm Tree and enjoy its delicious fruit, Common Name: Date PalmBotanical Name: Phoenix Dactylifera Medjool, Frond Canopy: 20-25’Mature Height: +60’ tallTrunk Diameter: 2’, Planting Dimensions: 4’x4’x4’ HoleSoil Requirements: Sandy LoamClimate: Warm & Arid. 1. The "true" date palm from which the tasty fruit is obtained is Phoenix dactylifera which is a multi-stemmed palm from which the suckers are usually removed to create single stemmed specimens. For commercial date production, the top date producing regions today are the Middle East and North Africa. Medjool is a cultivar of the date palm, known botanically as Phoenix dactylifera, that produce large, soft flesh and sweet fruits. These fronds typically stay on the palm for roughly 3-7 years. The leaflets are categorized as evergreen monocots, meaning that they are green all year, and enlingated stocks with parallel veins. These techniques do not reduce the total weight of the fruit crop as the remaining dates will become larger. These trees are grown in California & are guaranteed to be true Medjool palm trees, Big date palm trees and big olive trees for sale, Date Palms, certified Medjools, wholesale to California, Florida, Texas, Las Vegas, Arizona and Houston The fruit go through four stages of ripening from immature green (kimri), to mature full-colored but astringent (khalal), to soft with full size and weight (rutab), and finally, hard, much more dry, and less astringent (tamar). Cultivar choice and zone are important information when considering how to grow date trees. Chopped and pitted medjool dates can be used as a sugar alternative in baking. Dates contain polyphenols, which are a plant antioxidant that can destroy disease causing free radicals, and have 20 different kinds of amino acids, which aid in the digestive process. The soil should have the ability to hold moisture, and be free of calcium carbonate. Date Palm Pollen is used in Pollination & as a Health Suppliment. If there’s water in the planting hole, it’s not a suitable site for a date. 1 seedling of Medjool Date Palm Tree Seedlings Very Sweet Nutritious Dates Palm Trees, about 8"~14" Tall. In Islamic culture, dates and yogurt or milk are traditionally the first foods consumed for Iftar after the sun has set during Ramadan, and are mentioned more than 20 times in the Qur’an. Medjool dates are the fruit of the Medjool cultivar of date palm trees, scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera. For sure, nothing that needs to be watered. A popular service is to have “diamond cut” carved into the date palms. Are you looking for a small tree you can pick up? The canopy will spread to approximately 25 feet after the initial establishment period. Medjool date palms have a larger and more full dense canopy when compared to the Deglet Noor, which has a canopy that is more sparse and open with fewer fronds. Fossil records show that the date palm has existed for at least 50 million years, but the exact origins of the palm have not been determined. Medjool Date Palm is a member of the Arecaceae Family, and is dioecious, having separate male and female plants. The Phoenix Dactylifera Medjool & Deglet plants well in USDA Hardiness Zones: 8b-11. In recent years, scientists have developed tissue culture reproduction techniques of specific date palm varieties, however such propagation methods are not normally employed in commercial plantings. The date palm has more than just religious significance. Once acclimatized in a specialized climate-controlled environment, the plants are ready for the growing phase in the nursery greenhouses. Failure to fruit or ripen fruit is an indication of a plant that is not being adapted to it’s growing area. Date palms are common in warm zones of the United States. We recommend that you buy medjool date palm rooted offshoots, rather than purchasing fresh cut medjool date palm offshoots. If you lose a date palm, it would be best not to put another one in that spot. The Medjool palm is often multi-trunked by nature. Avoid planting in pairs (one may die and spoil the design). According to the World Food and Agricultural Organization, there are an estimated 100 million date palm trees worldwide. The new offshoot needs constantly moist, well-draining soil. Soft Medjools – Special Promotion $ 36.00 – $ 68.00 Native to Morocco, Medjool dates come from the date palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) and are now grown in warm regions of the United States, the … From shop HeirloomSplySuccess. Direct from Arizona farmers. Don’t plant anything around them, especially not turf. Of an estimated 3,000 date varieties grown world-wide (Dowson 1982), Medjool is the most desirable because of its large size, soft flesh, excellent taste, and attractive appearance. Medjool dates are a type of tree fruit that originate in the Middle East and North Africa, but they can be cultivated with some success in a number of desert-like regions around the world. They don’t grow naturally in areas that receive lots of rain each year, most of it during the six warmest months, with the water-table at two to six feet. Rooted date palm off-shoots in containers suffer no die-back and continue growing when planted properly. Learn how to Grow a Medjool Date Palm … Each of these date palm varieties produce delicious dates with distinct differences in flavor, sweetness, moisture content, and size. Each delicious Medjool date has a seed inside that can easily be grown into a tree. Our Arizona Medjool Dates are hand-sorted as they're packed to ensure top quality in every bite! Medjool dates are actually harvested from the date palm, cleaned, sorted and packaged right away. All true edible date Medjool date palm trees, are desert plants, originally from the Middle East. This tree has been cultivated for thousands of years for its sweet fruit – the date – which contains a single stone, and ranges in color from red … Fall and winter rains spoil the ripening fruit. Dates are very rich in both vitamins and minerals, and they contain more potassium than an orange or a banana per ounce. Click to call 813-763-5107 or checkout securely right here on our website. Water them during a respectable establishment period (a few months), then almost never again. Date palms are dioecious, which means that there are both male date palms and female date palms. The trunk then becomes a tall independent specimen with an average caliper of 18-20 inches. Definitely plant the palm higher in soils that are heavy, like clay or organic-rich loams. "Medjool" dates (Phoenix dactylifera "Medjool") are the most expensive dates, and with good reason -- they are large, soft, very sweet and more labor-intensive to grow and harvest. If you prefer the palm tree delivered at your location, you can choose between two different methods depending on the size and amount of trees: the semi-truck or our local/in-house transportation. While the native range of this palm is uncertain, it is thought to be indigenous to either North Africa or the Middle East. We carry Medjool Date Palms, Deglet Date Palms, California Fan Palms, and Mexican Fan Palms. Rain and high humidity can ruin pollinated fruit when it is in the second to fourth stage of ripeness. High quality date palm material developed from tissue culture is a slow process which takes up to 3 years before plants are ready to leave the laboratory phase. The Medjool date palm is one of the world’s oldest trees, a holy symbol, mentioned in the Bible, Quran and other religious books, records show it was grown in Egypt in the fifth century B.C. It’s a grab­-and­-go whole fruit snack fit for everyone. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds. It forms several trunks from the base that are usually removed to leave one single trunk. The male/female ratio in a modern commercial date palm plantation with mechanized pollination is generally about 40 females to one male date palm.This makes the male date palm much more expensive and desirable. Date farmers sometimes place a protective bag around each date cluster to prevent access to the dates and also for rain protection in some climates. Medjool Date Palm – Phoenix Dactylifera Planting an Edible Date Medjool Date Palm in Florida All true edible date Medjool date palm trees, are desert plants, originally from the Middle East. True date palms are very desirable not only for their delicious dates but also for the tropical look they give to any landscape. These palms have a moderate growth rate, and grow similar to other breeds of palms with growth rates of typically 12-18 inches per year, and In nurseries some palms can grow up to 3 feet a year.. Male date palms are often used in landscaping because once mature they do not yield the annual crop of dates which can sometimes attract pests. Curved and Character Silver Dates Available Truck load pricing on Silver Dates Available Medjool [grown from seed in S Texas] 2-3 ft = 225 4 ft = 440 5 ft = 550 6 ft = 660 [special's available on multiple palm purchase] 7 ft = 770 8 ft = 1200 9 ft = 1350 10 ft = 1550 11 ft + = 175 per clear trunk ft Curved and Character available Queen Palms The leaves are 13-20 ft long, Leaflets are 1 to 2 feet long and form a “V” shape down the rachis, or stem of the plant. It is extremely rare to find dates (the fruit) produced in Florida which are edible. Phoenix dactylifera which is a multi-stemmed palm from which the suckers are usually removed to create single stemmed specimens. Making the hole slightly shallower than the root ball is fine, but no more than 40 percent of the root ball should be above the average soil line at the top of the hole. Depending on climate and cultivation practices, a mature Deglet Noor can produce 200-300 pounds of fruit per year while a mature Medjool can produce 150-225 pounds. Native to Morocco, Medjool dates are now one of the world's most popular dates for fresh and dried eating, according to Purdue University. We carry Medjool Date Palms, Deglet Date Palms, California Fan Palms, and Mexican Fan Palms. Trunk Type: Solitary and Clumping. Dates are also grown in some areas of Mexico and in South America, as well as in Australia, Western China, Western India, and in Southern Pakistan. 5cm Long and Oblong. Date Harvest Date Recipes ... Great shakes and beautiful organic harvest of medjol deglet and zahidi dates in a really peaceful date palm farm scenically set in the desert. Medjool Date Palm Description Although there are many palms that we call "date palms". On average there are 150 leaflets per leaf. Dates are almost entirely sugar, but contain fiber to help with the digestive process. There are hundreds of named varieties of phoenix dactylifera date palms, and one of the most famous is the large soft Medjool date palm, while the most widely grown date is the semi-dry Deglet Noor date palm. Keep a very close eye on them. The MajhÅ«l date (Arabic: تمر المجهول ‎ - tamar al-majhÅ«l, literally, unknown, from جَهِلَ, to not know) also known as Medjool, Medjoul, or Majhool, is a large, sweet cultivated variety of date (Phoenix dactylifera) from the Tafilalt region of Morocco, also grown in the United States, Palestine, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, And Jordan. Usda Zone 8b EGF Zone H4 to call 813-763-5107 or checkout securely right here our! Potassium and the Deglet Noor is not being adapted to it ’ s water in the Bou Denib oasis Zaid... Appearance with beautiful silvery green foliage get a diagnosis and treat the problem dates and their symbol! Leaflets and a high frond count give Medjool date palm has finely roots... 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