Each study had to be a high-quality randomized control trial to be included in the review, so as to make sure that only the best, most rigorous studies were included. Velvet antler was also trialled in a group of 24 male, trained rowers [5]. in his book The Testosterone Syndrome, he states that testosterone is far more than just a hormone. We do not yet know at what point velvet antler is causing an increase in testosterone in human subjects, but it could be mimicking or stimulating hormonal action in a number of different places. In fact, out of 6 commercially available supplements tested, 4 contained enough of the peptide to trigger a WADA ban [8]. They will be bigger, but on average the increase in antler size will be fairly small. Hailing from Traditional Chinese Medicine, velvet antler does not appear to influence hormones and is currently unsupported for muscle repair (although it … Antler velvet has been used traditionally in China to treat a number of disorders. They are built on stories, anecdotes and celebrity endorsements – but not science. This is said to be an ethical and humane act, as it is often done in anesthesia and antlers regenerates every year.Recently Deer Antler Velvet became popular because of the NFL fuss. But whether you’re a drive-th... How to Naturally Increase Your IGF-1 Levels, IGF-2 May Enhance Memory and Prevent The Loss of Long-term Memory. By contrast, no significant relationship was found between testosterone and spleen size or tick parasite load. Life Extension Deer Antler Velvet. It is more commonly obtained from deer but can also be from elk too. Deer Antler Velvet - A Natural Treatment for Lyme Disease? End the frustration and finally see growth week after week. You'll continue to save 50% every single month for as long as you stay on autoship. Osteoarthritis is caused by the loss of cartilage in bone joints. In females, they will increase production of hormones in balance. The researchers said that although it had been used for that reason for many years in traditional medicine, they had concerns that the claims had never properly been investigated in a lab setting. From time to time you’ll hear about the release of a supplement that claims to be the next big thing. If deer antler were to provide these effects then it would be a very interesting product. For years, people have taken products made of deer velvet for their alleged beneficial effects on sexual function. What you need to know here is that some deer antler velvet containing T-booster supplements may contain enough IGF-1 to trigger a positive reading on a blood test. In the Edminton study, Dr. Fisher noted that once velvet antler administration was stopped, testosterone levels could fall back to normal very quickly. The well-known NFL player Ray … It can also theoretically trigger increases in testosterone by acting directly on the cells that trigger T production. Traditional medicine benefits aside, the fuzz of the antler supposedly contains insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Whitehall Waterfront, Unit G4, 2 Riverside Way, Leeds, LS1 4EH, Registered Company Number in England and Wales: 08953534, Top 7 Healthy Christmas Foods to Maintain Gains, The Ultimate Muscle Building Guide: For Beginners, Staying Healthy at Home: The Ultimate Guide, Home HIIT Exercises that Boost Testosterone, Train Like an NFL Pro: The Ultimate Guide, World Anti-doping Agency. Join our e-newsletter for offers, health advice and more! The anabolic features actually build various tissues of the body, primarily muscle. From the studies included in the review, these are the proposed benefits that were studied: When the results of these studies were assessed, 2 out of 7 trials showed some positive effects for osteoarthritis but the effect scores were minimal. The muscle-building effects of testosterone are well known by scientists and work at least as well as synthetic steroids. How to Decrease Recovery Time After a Workout. From what I have read and understand, deer/elk antler is a natural testosterone booster, it only makes sense that boosting one’s test, your body would try and compensate for the imbalance by increasing estrogen….I have seen many products out there claiming to block or retard the body’s response to increased test levels and inhibit the production of estrogen. Neither did it boost other androgenic hormones such as IGF-1 or have any significant effect on strength or maximal aerobic workload either. Deer Antler Velvet is not a new invention, apparently, it might have been used for at least 2000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. With the boost in testosterone, deer antlers can grow up to two inches per week, and in some cases, bull moose can put on a pound of bone per day during the peak of their growth cycle. As an anabolic molecule, IGF-1 plays an important role in development and building muscle. And the studies that investigate these hormones aren’t convincing either. After a 10-week study period was completed both groups were assessed on their leg and bench press strength, 2000m rowing time and hormone levels. The extract, unlike injections or pumps, naturally increases the flow of blood and testosterone, preventing any damage to the penis. It’s been reputed to boost energy and stamina, raise IGF-1 production, increase testosterone levels, restore sex drive, and more. Antlers are organs of bone which regenerate each year from the heads of male deer. Deer Elk Antler Velvet Extract & Testosterone! For that reason we would advise all competitive athletes to treat it with caution or even to avoid the supplement altogether. In this article we’ll take a look at deer antler velvet – a supplement derived from the crushed antlers of deer and elk. A: As with many foods and supplements deer antler velvet will increase testosterone in males due to the combination of hormone supporting nutrition. Let’s have a look at some of the studies…. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. It sounds like a sensational headline for sure. This natural substance has been used as an aphrodisiac in China for more than 2000 years. As a person gets older, his levels of testosterone gradually decrease. It is a supplement that has been used for thousands of years in China for a number of different disorders. When you are born, you alrea... Is Your Diet Leaving You Malnourished? Find the product you'd like to purchase –, Purchase your first bottle with Autoship (you'll get 50% off your order), Get Free shipping on orders of $49 or more. If you do not see any results then we will gladly refund your money. In natural populations, males with higher testosterone levels had larger testes, improved sperm quality, smaller burr diameter, stronger antlers, higher haematocrit levels, and increased nematode parasite load. With the sheer amount of unhealthy food available today, it’s reall... IGF-1 is an entirely natural hormone that your body produces that aids in muscle growth. I could really feel the increase in testosterone the first few times I used it. Cancel anytime! There are receptors for it in our brains and toes. Another embodiment of the invention includes herbs that inhibits 5-alpha-reductase reducing undesirable levels of dihyrotestosterone. See our blog for a few deer antler velvet testosterone studies. You’ll find polysaccharide sugars here, as well as a number of fatty acids. The risks may far outweigh the minimal (if any at all) benefits. So whether you order a 3 month supply or a 12 month supply you will be covered. This slows down the antler’s growth, as it constricts the arteries and veins surrounding the velvet. Around early September the velvet … Deer antler velvet is the tissue that covers the bone and cartilage that develop into deer (and elk) antlers. To test this concern, 32 volunteers aged between 45-65 years were given 1 g of the supplement each day for 12 weeks. Analysis of the blood from city police recruits and the University of Alberta football players showed that, as a possible result of taking velvet antler, they could have had as much testosterone in their blood as if they had it put there by injection. Deer antler velvet has the potential to increase growth hormones and testosterone levels and maybe a natural source of hormones for those seeking aid to muscle growth and development. The NFL-banned substance present in deer antler velvet is insulin-like growth factor, IGF-1, which mediates the level of human growth hormone in the body. Velvet Antler Velvet Antler (usually from deer) is crushed antler that is orally consumed for preventative health purposes. Yes and no. As a matter of fact, in the next Basho (Sumo tournament) I received a phone call from Akebono who excitedly stated that not only did he go on to win the tournament easily throwing 450-pound men out of the ring, but he also made a comment that he had thought his vitality & stamina had improved, too. One large systematic review [3] investigated all relevant health-related studies on deer and elk velvet supplements. In most white-tailed deer, testosterone levels typically begin increasing in August and peak during the breeding season, but timing can vary from region to region. Q: Does deer antler velvet increase testosterone? What Is A Normal Level Of Testosterone In Males Otc Male Enhancement Supplements Why Would Your Testosterone Level Be Low. The use of alternative medicines and herbal remedies is an increasing trend in Western societies. If it contains anabolic hormones then surely it can boost testosterone? That was in supplements marketed as ‘natural’ as well. It also has effects on human behavior such as competitiveness and aggression. Today, many modern athletes, especially those in the natural body building movement have begun taking this supplement to … Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Posted by Nutronics Labs on December 10, 2015. Here are the most relevant ones: One study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism [4] found that a dose of 1.5g of velvet antler for 11 weeks failed to increase testosterone. When their antlers naturally fall off the loss is triggered by a fall in T levels [2]. Deer Antler Plus Testosterone - Velvet Deer Antler Plus Natural Velvet Deer Antler Plus Testosterone . It was the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow that first started the Deer Antler Velvet hype. Let us take the risk. Newer Post →, Medical Director at Nutronics Labs and Sierra Integrative Medical Center, "We are pioneers in Integrative Medicine, blending the best conventional medicine with the best alternative therapies. Nevertheless, when taken as directed, many are promoting the benefits of deer antler velvet with IGF-1 in the treatment of low testosterone, libido, energy levels, mood, and more. This is one of the likely causes of them to grow back and the main marketing angle for supplement makers. Hopefully research in the future will help elucidate the effects of velvet antler on the body. Testosterone travels to every part of the human body. That means that although there were significant results, they were not convincing. Nutronics Labs Deer antler spray is a vital component of our holistic approach to healing patients.". In another study, velvet antler didn’t seem to improve sexual function in middle-aged and older men. From a nutritional point of view, the crushed antler provides a number of essential nutrients. As a testimonial to the possible potential healing power of velvet deer antler, I had the unique experience of working with the trainer for Akebono (Chad Rowan) our Hawaiian-born Sumo Grand Champion. That doesn’t mean it’s in the all clear though as IGF-1 itself still remains on the banned list. The reason why these animals can regenerate their antlers might be down to the fact that during development, T levels and growth hormone levels in the animal increase significantly. Order right now and start making your workouts count! In normal … The supposed benefits include joint health, improved energy levels, reduced inflammation, normalization of blood pressure and increased general health. But other than the odd celebrity endorsement or two, there’s actually very little scientific evidence to draw upon though. Osteoarthritis is a health condition caused by … In the summertime, male deer have higher amounts of testosterone. Whilst it’s claimed to have positive effects on everything from endurance and strength to sexual performance, we take a look at the actual science behind it. The fast recovery of Akebono's injured knees is potentially due to a combination of anti-inflammatory agents within the velvet as well as IGF-1. And whilst it’s true that some good quality supplements can help to improve your physique; some just don’t. A buck does not reach his maximum antler potential until he is 4 1/2 to 7 1/2 years of age. They were split into either an experimental or placebo group with the experimental group issued 560 mg per day of the supplement. From an athlete’s perspective the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) initially banned all deer antler products due to its IGF-1 content. But there were no changes in the group at all, forcing the researchers to conclude that in normal males there was no advantage in taking deer velvet to enhance sexual function or male hormone levels. However, research data conducted on Deer Antler extracts show varied results. There is also a modest amount of collagen and cholesterol found in the product too. Does Velvet Deer Antler Increase Testosterone Levels In Humans? They also had blood tests taken to look at any changes to their sex hormone levels too. It also contains substances which may help cells grow and function. IGF-1 has also been banned by Major League Baseball and the World Anti-Doping Agency. Deer antler velvet in a variety of forms is an increasingly popular supplement. Within a matter of days, not weeks, Akebono was doing his full exercise program. Your results may vary. According to the data, the tip of the antler … This is because the peptide hormone and its analogues are already on the banned substance list [7]. In a study conducted by Dr. Gilbert Forbes and colleagues in 1992 at the University of Rochester New York, normal subjects gained an average of 16 Y2 pounds of lean body mass in just 12 weeks. The University of Alberta sports medicine researcher Brian Fischer reported both in the Edmonton Journal and the Calgary Harold that results of a preliminary test on velvet antler could be very promising. Once Akebono's physician had determined that the damage was not due to a torn ligament but rather a soft tissue injury, he gave the okay to use velvet deer antler, which could contain Poly-Nag. It regulates sperm production, controls sex drive, increases energy, and promotes muscle mass. Testosterone is thought to have two primary effects in the body. Throughout this phase, they are covered in fine hairs that have a look and feel of velvet. The FDA considers deer antler spray (or deer antler velvet) to be a dietary supplement. "Posted by" does not mean this is the author of any blog post or article on this website. Although it contains trace amounts of IGF-1 research shows that it doesn’t improve testosterone or related anabolic, androgenic hormones. However, the actual content is negligible. elk) are the only species capable of annually regenerating an organ, which has many scientists and men wondering: “How can we do that?”The answer: Testosterone & growth hormones.During antler regeneration, male deer experience increased levels of T & GH, which shows up in the antler-covering fuzz known as Deer Antler Velvet (DAV)—or Elk Velvet Antler (EVA).1 … Even more interesting was the fact that the velvet antler capsules used were independently tested to make sure that they didn't have any anabolic steroids (testosterone). Deer antler velvet has been used for over 3,000 years in traditional Chinese medicine as a powerful medicinal substance. Of all the mammals, deer (and other antlered ungulates—e.g. Deer Antler Velvet is made ​​from reindeer or elk antler which is cut during the growth phase. Excerpt adapted from: Velvet Deer Antler: The Ultimate Antiaging Supplement by Dr. Alex Duarte, 2000. When antlers begin hardening and velvet sheds, anticipation of hunting season and buck testosterone levels both begin to climb. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Deer velvet contains multiple substances including the female sex hormones estrone and estradiol. 23 Xylazine and other anesthetics possess mutagenic properties. Testosterone is a major sex hormone found in both men and women. In the Nagoya Tournament a few years ago, Akebono sustained injuries to both knees. It’s also been a banned substance in some professional sports. Does It Boost Low Testosterone There has been at least two studies involving human test subjects looking at the testosterone boosting ability of velvet antler… 1 study running over 12 weeks saw healthy adult men take 1000mg of velvet antler.. the results were disappointing with no increases in testosterone being recorded. Tribulus terrestris: Naturally increases testosterone levels supporting an increased libido and improved workout performance. Because of potentially increased testosterone levels, deer velvet antler also is contraindicated in patients with a history of prostate cancer. The assistant trainer for Akebono called me in to meet with Akebono's orthopedic surgeon to use a series of natural products to speed up the healing process. Velvet Deer Antler is named after the soft, velvet-like covering that deer antlers have before they turn bony. How To Get More Free Testosterone Epic Night Male Enhancement Vitamin Increase Testosterone. Just order 90 days (3 months worth) or more of TestoFuel testosterone booster and you will be covered by our cast iron guarantee. Increase Testosterone Levels Marijuana Hormone Replacement Testosterone Pills Does Deer Antler Velvet Increase Testosterone. There has been no scientific investigation of the effects of deer velvet powder on the … Enroll in our convenient, money saving autoship program and you’ll get your favorite products delivered straight to your door every month. January 2017. http://www.usada.org/wp-content/uploads/wada-2017-prohibited-list-en.pdf. Joint and Bone Health: Arthritic and Rheumatic Pain. In free-ranging deer herds, it is very difficult to manage for deer 4 1/2 and older. Analysis of the blood from city police recruits and the University of Alberta football players showed that, as a possible result of taking velvet antler, they could have had as much testosterone in their blood as if they had it put there by injection. Deer antler velvet is derived from the crushed antlers of developing deer or elk. This ban was raised not long afterwards, as the IGF-1 content was found to be negligible. During developmental stages, antlers are cartilaginous and pre-calcified. No other benefits were found throughout the remaining studies either. Each two capsule dose of Antler Test contains 375 milligrams of New Zealand Red Deer Antler Velvet plus a proprietary blend containing Tribulus terrestris, Maca Root, Yohimbine HCL, and Epimedium Sagittatum. It is a supplement that has been used for thousands of years in China for a number of different disorders. by Kyle Life Extension Deer Antler Velvet Hello Mark, I have been using antler velvet pre workout for almost 18 months. Although it contains trace amounts of IGF-1 research shows that it doesn’t improve testosterone or related anabolic, androgenic hormones. This can cause changes in physiological functions, such as low libido. They are the only mammalian organs that, once lost, can fully grow back [1] therefore it is a process that can be repeated annually. that's used to describe the antler velvet harvested from the antlers of growing deer One is androgenic which is a masculinizing effect and the other is anabolic (muscle-building). Another study, this time published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour [6], wanted to examine the supposed positive effects of antler velvet on sexual function. The main claims for Deer Antler Velvet is that it can help boost testosterone and speed up injury recovery. By using velvet deer antler along with the testosterone and nor-testosterone precursors, the antler promotes youth film testosterone levels while balancing and ameliorating dangerous spikes in these levels. This means it doesn’t need to be extensively studied and regulated like medications. Bone and Joint Health. It comes in a variety of forms such as drops, spray, powder, and pills. This can occur from the body's own natural reaction to muscular work, proper nutrition, or nutraceuticals that increase testosterone levels. According to Eugene Shippen, M.D. The antler velvet did not alter any fitness, power or hormone test score at all when compared to the placebo group, including testosterone levels. It is during this phase that the antler is removed, harvested and crushed. Used as an anesthetic for antler harvesting, xylazine has been found in freshly harvested velvet antler. Here is a general timeline of the antler growth cycle , although, depending on the area or species, the exact months may differ. Hormone Balances It’s also important to understand that too much of anything can contribute to a number of negative side effects and adverse reactions . FREE SHIPPING ON U.S. ORDERS OF $49 OR MORE! While research is limited, there’s nothing to suggest that deer antler velvet (or deer antler spray in the supplement form) actually does what it claims. After the 12 weeks the men were administered a questionnaire to assess their libido and sexual appetite. ← Older Post A life changer that’ll grant you all of the muscle mass and strength you ever wished for. It does not apply to 3 1/2 and older bucks. With this sort of high dosage you’d expect to see some changes if it was to work at all. Deer antler velvet is derived from the crushed antlers of developing deer or elk. Everything That You Need to Know About Superfoods I don't cycle exactly like you recommend but I do take 2 or 3 days off a week. For this reason, it can be hard to tell what the actual concentration of active ingredients or IGF-1 is in various supplements. Prohibited List. The Soviet Union (now Russia) had a landslide victory coming first with 80 gold medals, to the East Germany coming second with 47. It also provides a number of bioactive products including calcium, phosphorous and sodium. The question is – can the anabolic content of deer antler velvet boost testosterone or is it just another supplement sold on misguided science? The supplements contain a number of nutritional components including IGF-I or insulin-like growth factor 1 . This particular hormone is also essential for growth and repair. The androgenic action produces a greater degree of maleness, a deeper voice, broader shoulders, etc. Interestingly Antler Velvet also contains nutrients that have been found to boost testosterone, such as magnesium and zinc. Antler velvet is the crushed cervus, or base of mammal antlers. Letting you know if it actually delivers or not. And building muscle substances which may help cells grow and function Chinese medicine as a person gets older his..., phosphorous and sodium fuzz of the supplement at least as well to save 50 % single... Very difficult to manage for deer 4 1/2 and older bucks to 3 1/2 and older bucks medications... 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