CoCo is very attached to me as I am the Alpha, but does great at Doggy Day Care and loves being around other dogs. You have to understand the feral traits that will sometimes show up, and you have to expect some independence. When a dog is growling it is important to listen closely and as always, observe the body language. I always thought it was so bizarre!! What to Know About the Carolina Dog. He will go to a very private place and he doesn’t like his area left dirty. Mine is very friendly and loves to meet people and other dogs. But she was such a good dog you just had to over look it. Health and care. HOwever the dog I did FIND, who looked a lot like my GSD/dingo mix happens to be a “feral” /non domestic dog, if you will. (Have I mentioned how lucky Finna is to have you? She absolutely loves going to the dog park and we have yet to meet a dog as fast as her. I’ve seen this in my own yard when I unsuspectingly let my male out to potty, only to discover a worker was in the side yard (we were having tile floors installed, he was getting water from the hose – my bad!) I just moved across state and, sadly, my female basenji was none too happy about being crated for the entire length of the drive; she subsequently peed in her crate (she hasn’t done that since puppyhood!). (Question to South Carolina readers: Does “yaller dog” just translate to “yellow dogs?”) The descriptions of Old Yeller seem to fit the descriptions of Carolina dogs (loyal but also independent, good with children but avid hunters, etc.). Occasionally, however, he’ll come into the room when I’m baking and see the cupboard door open. Annie’s health is excellent no issues to speak of that can be attributed to her breed she is now 8 years old. It is so loud and piercing. As a pup, she ran through the invisible fence I put up twice (at its lowest setting), and then never again. But, I do have a dog that humps any couch/pillow/toy that she can find. Kat, I agree that Finna’s ancestry does not really matter (though lots of people are curious when they have mixes). We noticed over time a peculiar trait as well. If he is in a hurry, or it is raining, though, he’ll just dump in the grass and run! I HAVE had some unpleasant experiences with dogs and sh*t (fox, cow, mystery foulness) as well as dead things, though. She’s a German shepherd/husky mix, primarily German shepherd… looks like a sable long stock coat with a husky tail tacked on. Yeah, his recall always kinda sucked, no he didn’t wanna be my distance running buddy, but I learned to listen and appreciate his very independent personality and needs. Same with snout pits – she has done it, but not all the time. I take mine out to the open desert near our house and take her off her leash and let her run. He is part hound and part lobster (found in a lobster crate on the side of the road when he was a puppy), so no help with what breed might do this! She curls up in a dingo doughnut to sleep or lays stretched out on her back. We keep her on a harness when walking, some seem to think leash laws don’t apply to them. I was ecstatic! I remember wondering if he was hiding it from ‘predators,’ but now, considering that the Carolina dogs are also in isolated areas, I wonder if there is possibly an element of sanitation involved…. Again, context matters hugely! Plan a breeding program, master canine genetics, and use the right strategies. However, some of the comments here make me wonder about some of the other dogs people talking about. She just wants to lead her pack I guess! And if you want to piss them off, go ahead and use P+. But you usually have to work to keep them motivated. Almost every bird species in the Southeast can be identified by its unique vocalization. We have a 5 year old dog that by all accounts seems to be a Carolina dog. Our Carolina makes nose hole and seasonally eats the mole cricketts that we have. There are exceptions, but generally basenjis are aloof with strangers, not real interested in checking every new person out, quite content with a small circle of friends. It’s not just a matter of more colours being accepted in the UK standard–the toplines are different, with the American dogs having a slope from front to back that is unacceptable in the UK standard. She’ll let me pick her up, hug her, but if I wrap something around her (say an ace bandage or a thunder shirt) she gets very close to biting. Ice is the most common followed by dirt, clay and laundy starch. They are definitely eating mud from the bottom of the hole, my elder dog loves to come and try and give you muddy kisses after. The “wild dog” discipline easily happening a dozen times an evening until he was a year old. We got both of them online (, one from the Florence, SC, area, and the other from Ridgeland, SC. He still is wary of strangers, but doesn’t depict it outwardly (doesn’t hide, run). Our trainer, who raises working line GSDs, is constantly pointing out behaviors and characteristics that she says are clearly GSD I see what she means. You’ll find this caveat in some breed descriptions. By understanding the context as explained in the previous section, it is possible to narrow down the potential reasons for the bark, and then eliminate each reason, one by one. She even moved a neighbor cow off my parent’s ranch last weekend. There are many good references that discuss the various typical breed traits. She is also very aggressive when strangers come to the door, but completely neutral to adults anywhere else. p.s. Vicki in Michigan’s comment reminded me of this! My Alaskan malamute would sometimes try to carefully push grass and dirt over her stool from when she was about 6 months old to a year, and one or more of her siblings did, too. She was a skilled hunter, and over they years, brought us many squirrels, possums, and even a snake. She slept in a pile with the cats, thought my son was her soul mate, guarded the house, understood thresholds and could read expressions like an empath. Dogs typically whine when they want something, like food, a toy, or attention. So are there really breeds that generally (again, this is on average, there will be exceptions to any rule) are smarter? Adopted my boy from a no kill shelter in northern Georgia. After a bath in the peroxide/baking soda mixture we found sleeping in prairie hay for a couple of nights made the lingering odor all but disappear. My TMs, as house dogs who get to play outside, don’t usually dig big enough holes to be caves, but they will universally dig and if given enough time, will dig caves. Wouldn’t have helped. The one which caused my ears to prick forward they practically said BONG as if in a cartoon was the Doxie/Yorkie cross. If your dog is standing by the door whining, they could be trying to communicate the need to relieve themselves, in which case ignoring the sound would lead to undesired behavior. (I left the region decades ago, before genetic testing was available.). She does not dig snout pits at all though. “Lucy” is the smartest canine I have ever seen. Not chasing them — she wants to play with them. The dwarf leg trait, to the best of my understanding, is a dominant gene with incomplete penetrance; I would expect to see less leg if she had a substantial amount of Corgi in her. Carolina dog breed also has strong instinct for hunting. It is the ability of the human ear to perceive changes in tone and process them, but it’s easier for us to do it with fellow humans than with dogs. Its more interesting that there were feral dogs running around that looked like Pariah’s from India where they really do exist. The pro’s are times like this. We live in Madison, Wisconsin. In at least 1 DNA study, Siberian Huskies are believed to be an ancient breed, one of a few most closely related to wolves. However, dogs usually howl to identify themselves to other dogs or their friends, and may howl at you or to you as well. She’s now 1 year old.They are very different from other dogs. This summer, he alerted twice in ways I have never seen him act. This dog saved us 100’s of thousands of dollars in damage, maybe even our lives. Dog sounds are emitted by a pet to be understood. Jack at least is a favorite among most dogs. Googled “Dog Breeds that look like Dingos” because we have been getting that comment a lot lately and up popped the Carolina Dog. With all of that said, Elli has been the sweetest and smartest of the several dogs I have known, and I wouldn’t hesitate to get another Carolina. We adopted a dog from a shelter in Central Illinois and were told she was a german shepherd mix. The importance of structure in canine life has been addressed by many commentators and specialists. My suspicion is that snout-pits may have more to do with extra foraging while grubs are fattening in the ground over the winter months in the South than having to do specifically with breeding… I’ve never tried SMELLING a grub myself, but it’s pretty clear from Sadie’s behavior that she CAN detect them by scent through several inches of soil. They are an ancient Asian breed that I find quite fascinating. Once I introduce him to visitors and give the approval the barking stops. I read with interest about the Carolina Dogs covering their feces. Separation-stress barking He was mouthy and bossy and anxious and aggressive. Occasionally you get an outlier who is late Winter or early Spring, or even the Summer, but its very very uncommon. Ancient NA native dogs are not related to Dingos. So I’d wonder–is that kind of burying a genuine FAP in dogs, and if so, maybe Carolina dogs either regard their poo as high value (to be returned to later if necessary?) She did not develop this habit until later in life, and I can’t be sure that she didn’t learn it from our cat. She is getting better but we are still working on it. primary for a House seat formerly held by Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, was an upset for … Do you recall that? Siberian Huskies, Akita, Shiba Inu, etc. You can truly tell she’s disappointed in me for petting another dog. However, by taking the time to listen to the tonality of the growl and address the surrounding environment, it is possible to accurately judge the purpose of the growl. She is entirely unsafe around cats, and always has been, so we don’t have any. He doesn’t do this on grass, but he performed the act on mulch. Some of her relatives are so feral they apparently just come and go as they please as per their owners fb posts. And boy, does she shed! We had six other dogs when she came to live with us (finally) in June. The Barred Owl’s hooting call, “Who cooks for you? Interestingly both her veterinarian’s immediately said Cattle Dog when they first met her and I agree that, especially, in photographs, she looks very similar to a cattle dog. be suitable for a family with children (teens are OK) or other pets. She loves humans of all shapes and sizes and always has. She’s short as well..think she’s got some sharpei mixed in there somewhere. She certainly has looks of a Carolina dog. The growl is perhaps as diverse in meaning as the bark. We finally got a second dog, 1/2 wolf, and she understood him and they had the most perfect friendship ever. But, one day I stopped a person walking a dog because I literally thought they had my dog. I have had dogs my entire life, I really can’t think of a time in my life longer than a few grieving months when I haven’t had a dog. I wish I could find a better way to co-exist with them, because they are fascinating animals. I had a rescue dog that I’m sure was Carolina Dog and Shiba Inu mix. Your email address will not be published. In the winter, he pushes his whole face into the snow, smelling something we think. I find it easy to sympathize with those living with more primitive breeds but I don’t think that she is genetically more primitive so much as socially more primitive if that makes sense. When she was about 6 mths old she was obsessed with a bird’s nest that was just behind a wall on the porch and tore up the wood to get to it and I think she ate some baby birds as well..she got very sick that day and scared me to death,but nothing like that since,thank God! On occasion she would pull her head up with a small fish. There were many aspects of her character that left us thinking she had wolf, coyote…or yes, dingo blood in her. It took four months to catch her. They may do very well with the kids in that family, but when you have kids, you also have other people’s kids visiting, and that can be difficult with a protective dog. Reading the link below it looks like CDs have 3 estrus cycles per year and come from a geographically isolated area. They both spend some considerable time choosing the right spot and will sometimes start a hole then change their minds and pick a different spot. One neighbor tried to take her for walks when we were gone once. She used them as a bed and would sleep in them. I ahve seen it first hand. She said that he is independent, but was easy to live with and she was glad that she had decided to get him. If your dog feels intimidated or outshone or threatened in some way by this new individual (dog or human), its response may underline apprehension, shyness, fear or aggression and hostility. I have what appears to be full blood Carolina Dog, she is the most social friendly dog I have ever seen. . So, after reading this we have decided that our beloved family member, Darby, is a Carolina dog! There is a biological term for self-selection giving rise to different species, but I can’t recall it. He does bark like crazy though! I could be wrong. It was the most disgusting experience I have ever had. She was very intelligent and I quickly learned she only responded well to strong verbal commands or corrections….she didn’t need, nor would tolerate I might add, say a smack on the snout. Now we’re beginning to think about getting a new dog for him to teach but not sure if a Carolina Dog would be a good choice. The only thing I can say about the mix is the Shiba Inu sheds very bad, this is the trait she got from the Shiba. When most dogs bark, there’s a reason for it. We took her in, nursed her to health, and then when we moved back home to Southern California we brought her home. It’s a fairly deep hole, several inches, and narrow. One of the dogs who boards here does a perfect circle, burying his feces with his nose. At ten she’s a little more lazy. I have a Carolina Dog, and I’m quite happy with her for she is a fantastic dog. Upon which she ceases to cover it, looks at me and walks away. She is absolutely bonded to me and my family deeply. We worked to socialize Elli, and she will tolerate other dogs, as long as they don’t push her boundaries, but I would think a prospective owner with other dogs might want to have a couple of trial visits, to see how well the CD does with the pets already resident. I simply spoke softly and carried a LOT of treats. We have a Carolina Dog that apparently had never had human contact. She loves kids. amt. In North Carolina alone, there are roughly 162,000 registered voters with vision disabilities, according to an estimate from Disability Rights North Carolina, one of the groups suing the state. We developed a little system, accidentally actually, when he gets nervous he looks at me. She loves training and learns fast but doesn’t always remember what she’s learned when confronted with the unexpected. Excessive vocalization in dogs includes barking, whining, or howling for no obvious reason, that happens at times when it is not acceptable, such as the middle of the night. We’ve since been told by several vets that he’s got some coyote heritage and are pretty sure that he had been picked up from the wild. It’s HER! In the more general scientific literature, “breed” doesn’t have a definition at all. They become very attached to their pack leader and thrive off the pack hierarchy. I do notice in the last few months, however, that he’s beginning to look at me more often when he’s unsure, so another step. When she’s in that mood the licking is extensive and soaking! I found it especially interesting regarding the traits of my older dog whom I would consider a well bred distance sled dog. Her nose, and it’s ability to track a scent, is all beagle. I didn’t witness him poop for a months because he hid in the bushes but ultimately discovered that he stands almost straight, lifts a rear leg like he’s scratching his ear and poops on a small bush. As Liz said, pulling on her path, rather than using pressure is key. The howl of a wolf is generally used to signal to fellow members of the pack that a foe has been encountered and help is required, or that a hunt has begun and the prey is in retreat. Barking Level: Likes to be vocal; Showing 1 - 19 of 91 results. The best we can tell just by appearances is that he is a chihuahua/terrier mix. They are smart, territorial and act much like a tame wolf. Also they had gotten these two from a breeder and agreed that the breeder was nuts. I have a 6 year old Shepard/Husky/Coyote mix (or maybe she’s all Carolina Dog). Lady was terribly abused before we got her at age 2 – someone even shot her full of BBs. I’ve had basenjis for about 20 years. When your dog is growling and the reason has been identified as threat or aggression, consider the potential threat. She loves kids and wants to play play play! I am on my second Carolina Dog (American Dingo), and although they had similarities in behavior, their personalities are very different. Only at four in the morning would I consider writing a comment on the internet concerning a subject on which I am no expert, but here it goes. Would I get another one? After they were discovered to represent an ancient breed, many of the dogs were captured and a captive breeding program was begun. As a dog sound, growling is often more worrying that barking; this is because generally in most dog attacks, the actual bite or jump is preceded by a growling. I know one and her person describes similar wariness of strangers and she was very difficult to house train–just generally much less interested in pleasing her people than the other dogs in the house. Are bored, frustrated, stressed or lonely, as a groomer dishwashing! Round and has never met a stranger at the Atlanta Humane Society, and move,... Is really funny to watch probably tossed in the middle of the neighborhood made overprotective... The other places we ’ ve had 4 girls and 2 boys and not observed male... 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