law, drew a line between the “civilized” and the “uncivilized” in terms of how farm animals that are slaughtered for human consumption are treated by different religious groups in Europe. The main point of meat products, not just Kosher, is to kill the animal. Get, This post has been contributed by a third party. Kosher, halal and traditional meat all come from the same types of farms, with the same pesticides and waste, and the same harmful effects on the planet. More people are turning to kosher foods despite their higher prices—not for religious reasons but because they think these foods are safer, healthier, or of better quality. How are farm animals treated today? With the recent establishment of the Magen Tzedek initiative of the Rabbinical Assembly of the Conservative movement, there has been a new call for not only humane treatment of animals from birth to the time of shekhita (ritual slaughter) and retooling of the kosher slaughterhouse, but also the humane treatment of employees within the kosher establishments. Non-kosher animal meat mixed with milk, for example, would not be prohibited. Some kosher certifying agencies, such as Star-K, publish annual lists of kosher-for-Passover pet food brands. However, they maintain that the killing has no “ritual” value. Want to add your voice to the conversation? Why Support Institutions of Jewish Learning and Leadership During a Pandemic? Only Certain Animals Are kosher. The Hebrew word “kosher” (כָּשֵׁר) literally means “fit.” It has come to refer more broadly to anything that is “above board” or “legit.” The laws of kosher define the foods that are fit for consumption for a Jew.. Among sea creatures, only fish that have fins and scales (which can be easily removed by hand) are kosher. 3. It was established by Israeli Orthodox Rabbi Asa Keisar, author of In Front of the Blind, based on the Torah teaching that one is not to put a … It should be noted that the expense and willingness of the plant owner in the retooling of kosher slaughtering houses may, in some instances, not bring every establishment up to the new standard of humane treatment that our Jewish values incorporate. In particular the laws of kashrut tend to get very detail-oriented. While it is true that Kosher meat products have strict regulations and oversights from Rabbinical leadership, it does not necessarily mean the animal is treated better. There is no clear scientific understanding of pain, even in humans. I told her why I had become a vegetarian and she, being Jewish, told me I should look into Kosher meat. Nothing crap, promise. Some claim that kosher slaughter can, in principle, be relatively painless, while others contend that cutting the throat of a conscious animal is always inhumane. Kosher chicken, on the other hand, had nearly twice as much resistant E. coli as conventional and organic. However, with the strenuous demand on slaughterhouses in the modern era, often the animals are cut improperly, are still alive when slaughtered, or a number of other awful scenarios. While it is true that Kosher meat products have strict regulations and oversights from Rabbinical leadership, it does not necessarily mean the animal is treated better. #thisis60 Join the 'Thisis60 Challenge' and bring joy to a needy family. Despite the humane intention and spirit of the Jewish dietary laws, there are no standards to ensure that kosher slaughter is … The short answer is yes. They attribute direct revelation from God for their methods of killing animals for food. The long answer, however, is a matter of whether or not a person believes that killing an animal is ok. The respect of the life of the animal is our ideal in the practices of kashrut (keeping kosher) today. Kosher is an interesting idea but some of the practices do not make sense. A clean and minimal question and answer theme for WordPress and AnsPress. Unlike factory farming, are they provided adequate space and treated humanely and with compassion and kindness as prescribed in the Torah? Question: Moses, I have done a lot of research about the meat industry and am absolutely shocked by what animals are subjected to.I am aware that Kosher slaughter is more painless than any other slaughter and that would make me feel better about eating it. Needless to say, while Jewish practice today attempts to be as humane as possible, for some, vegetarianism might be the only answer, which was the standard of the Torah until the time of Noah. Dairy . Kosher animals are animals that comply with the regulations of kashrut and are considered kosher foods.These dietary laws ultimately derive from various passages in the Torah with various modifications, additions and clarifications added to these rules by Halakha.Various other animal-related rules are contained in the 613 commandments. Once the children have learned which animals the Torah deems kosher and and which non-kosher, they sort stuffed animals accordingly, one group sorting land animals and the other water animals. Regardless of how it is killed, meat products under the Kosher banner still involves the herding, and killing of live creatures. In ­The Observant Life, a new volume from the Conservative movement, Rabbi Edward Friedman specifically writes about tza-ar ba-alei hayyim, the pain of a living being, and that within the Conservative movement it is halachically indefensible to hoist and shackle an animal in the slaughterhouse. Animals have their necks cut so they bleed to death before they are slaughtered. When God realized that man had the propensity to eat meat, He was very specific in commanding man that the blood of the animal was tantamount to life, and, therefore, could not be eaten, in respect and sanctity of life (see Genesis chapter 3, verses 3-6). Are there any Jewish laws governing how you treat your pet? Or, at the very least, there should be wider availability of organic meat and poultry, and more competition in price. While junk food is junk food no matter what, kosher restrictions take great care in the treatment of their animals. Within the Orthodox movement, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein suggested that even if an animal is certified kosher, we should stay away from meat where the animal was not fed quality feed. Today’s kosher meat comes from the same abusive factory farms as all other meat. Certain parts of an animal, including types of fat, nerves, and all of the blood, are never kosher. The main point of meat products, not just Kosher, is to kill the animal. I cannot vouch for the farms which supply the kosher meats, but, I purchase my meats and dairy directly from the farm and I can honestly say that these animals are treated well. Never miss the best stories and events! Nor is there much reason to believe that kosher or halal meat is better for the planet than conventional meat, since they all basically come from the same farms. Done--several people donated in my honor to Feeding America. Aren't animals raised for the kosher food market treated more compassionately than other food animals? Is it healthier? There is no objective way to measure pain; it is purely subjective and felt by individuals on an individual basis. Perhaps kashrut organizations could upgrade their definitions of kosher to acknowledge that some animals are treated respectfully and ethically while others are not. Thanks for writing! Last Thursday, the Luxembourg-based European Union Court of Justice (ECJ), which is the final arbiter of E.U. But I will admit to the hope that the animals are treated better. There is a popular DVD about a huge investigation of a Kosher slaughterhouse in 2004 called ‘If This Is Kosher’. A lot of people today, horrified by how animals are treated in factory farms and feedlots and wanting to lower their ecological footprint, are looking for healthier alternatives. What does it taste like? Hazon, a Jewish organization dedicated to sustainability, has put together a great list of kosher meat producers that raise animals on natural diets without the use of antibiotics or hormones. Kosher chicken, on the other hand, had nearly twice as much resistant E. coli as conventional and organic. The basic rules about which animals, birds and fish are kosher are set out in Leviticus, chapter 11. Yes. It is very significant that a new organization, “Vegan Kosher” has been established in Israel to promote veganism in Israel and beyond, writes Richard Schwartz. With regard to the life of the animal, the Magen Tzedek, under the leadership of Rabbi Morris Allen, is tirelessly working to ensure that animals are given adequate space and treated humanely and with compassion. Among land animals, only those that have split hooves and ruminate (chew their cud) may be eaten. Receive all latest updates and answers right into your inbox. Keeping Kosher is a very important aspect of Judaism because it benefits the mind, body, and soul; however non-Jews often consume Kosher meat because of the special process involved. Aren animals raised for the kosher food market treated more compassionately than other food animals. It is only the process of slaughter that differs. The actual process of shekhita, ritual slaughter, uses a specific knife and the process is performed in such a manner that the animal is not aware of imminent death. Thanks so much for this heartfelt, personal article. Not all producers of kosher meat achieve this ideal, but there are movements underway to help make the situation better. I am not Jewish but this story was very…, Hallmark Channel’s “Love, Lights, Hanukkah!” Is Comforting as a Good Latke. i want to have the animals treated better so i don't eat meat.But my friend said kosher is fair to the animals.can someone explain Lea Dixon asks: Are kosher animals treated humanely? And how is it different than typical beef? ... Generally, the major requirements for kosher meat are that it come from animals … Shechitah (sheh-HEE-tah) is the Jewish ritual of slaughtering permissible land animals and fowl so that they are considered Kosher and are able to be eaten by Jews. You could be surprised to know that Kosher and non-halal meat can be just as cruel. We can all agree that animals should be treated humanely. I tested positive for BRCA2 a year ago…. I really thought that 'kosher' and 'halal' was somehow meat from animals treated more humanely than others, thanks for the enlightenment. MORE. He is also the founder and director of Free from Harm, a non profit dedicated to helping end animal exploitation.. As a communications professional for over 20 years, Grillo once worked on large food industry accounts where he acquired a behind-the-scenes perspective on food branding and marketing. According to, “There is no ritual involved…It is a cardinal tenet of the Jewish faith …divinely given to Moses at Mount Sinai.” These laws, they say are based on Genesis 9:3, which reads “Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant.” B… Moreover, even if kosher animals are … A new system developed by Dr. Temple Grandin, associate professor of animal science at Colorado State University, is a more humane way where the animal is placed in a container that gently turns the beast on its side and then on its back. Try it once and you’ll be hooked – not only is the meat healthier for you and more ethically and naturally-raised, it tastes better too. Kosher slaughter rules say that blood is not kosher, so it must be removed from the animal before slaughter. All these things may be true of kosher meat, but there’s no guarantee. Clearly conventional (non-kosher) animals are not. This is consistent with the Torah's instructions concerning the slaughter of animals in general, where you are required to pour out all the blood on the ground, but not required to cover it with earth. Kosher animal slaughter is an important issue for practicing Jews. If they do come from typical USDA-regulated farms how can they be kosher? Also, the animals are healthy, no antibiotics and are not forced to eat an unnatural diet. All rights reserved. As for poultry, the kosher practice of salting reduces microbes, including E. coli, but a study found a higher frequency of E. coli in kosher chickens than in organic or conventional birds. Examples of kosher animals include cows, sheep, goats and deer. The final days and the slaughter of the animals are more humane, so if that's a concern, kosher and … RIGHT IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD: 10. Get answers about grassfed beef. This post has been contributed by a third party. Among the general population, there is a wide range of opinion on what constitutes humane treatment. Yes, the death of the animal is done in a different fashion than modern butchers, but it is still killing the animal and the animal feels pain. Two regions of Belgium are banning kosher and halal slaughter, arguing that not using stunning is cruel. A new friend of mine, after telling her I was a vegetarian, asked me why. A cow can smell the blood of their own kind injured or dying, so a kosher and halal facility must be pretty stressful. Get the best Jewish events delivered to your inbox every Thursday with JewishBoston This Week. In his view, the kosher meat trade prefers to source animals that have been better treated. In fact, a common view is that God put Adam and Eve in Eden to represent how he wanted humans to behave, and they ate no animal products while there. Picture of cow used under Creative Commons license from Flickr user Jem Kuhn. Since kosher dietary standards also have strict rules on which animals can be eaten and how they must be killed, some people say kosher facilities are less likely to have a bacterial outbreak. Happy hunting. Theme can be used to create a professional Q&A community. I think the question is unanswerable at this point in time. The Magen Tzedek initiative was originally formed out of the violation of the humane practices of the Torah in one major midwestern plant, and it has brought to the attention of the kosher world the values of compassion and of humane behaviors, to all of God’s living beings. Answer: The word Kosher means "fit". Don't they transgress the commandment of not causing pain to an animal? Unfortunately, animals raised for the kosher market are typically raised under the same conditions as non-kosher animals. If you turned 60 this year…, I would love for Hallmark to do a part 2 to this story. A few months ago, I became a vegetarian, not because I was against killing animals but because I am against animals being treated inhumanely and slaughtered inhumanely. But Jewish and Muslim leaders say their traditions minimize an animal’s suffering. The opinions, facts and any media content are presented solely by the author, and, How Pixar’s ‘Soul’ Borrows From an Ancient Jewish Idea, Amazon Prime’s “Yearly Departed” Doesn’t Urn Many Laughs, Lauren Corduck, Who Founded Oneinforty to Raise Cancer Risk Awareness, Dies at 49, The Legacy of Oneinforty Founder Lauren Corduck, Ansin Family Makes Donations to United Way, Combined Jewish Philanthropies. An animal cannot be sick when killed, it cannot have any sores on its body, and it cannot live in disgusting conditions because it will lead to the above. Animals must have cloven hooves and chew the cud, for example goats, sheep, cattle and deer. The reasons for acting upon this vegetarian impulse in our day are multiple and compelling, just as compelling, I believe, as the reasons for the selective taboos against certain animals must have been when the Community of Israel came to accept these as the word of God.This is what we mean, after all, when we talk about a mitzvah being “the word of God” or “God’s will.” These include cows, sheep, deer, and goats. Being kosher does not mean the animals were raised humanely or sustainably, that health safety standards were rigorously followed, that the meat is fresher, or than the workers were treated fairly. But it is pretty common for Jewish law to try to pin things down a bit more. Publish your own post here. These include salmon, whitefish, and tilapia. But my question is this: are the animals treated better at the farms before slaughter than typical non-kosher meat and poultry? The other exception is Passover, when it is forbidden not only to eat leavened grains, but even to own them or benefit from them. Rabbi Earl Kideckel is the rabbi at Temple Beth Torah, a Conservative temple located in Holliston. All dairy products, like milk, butter, yogurt, and cheese , must come from a kosher animal. There are thousands of different perspectives on the interpretation of the Bible, but nowhere does it say that humans are require to eat animals. 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During slaughter, for instance, a number of conventional farm animals are dragged, scalded, and cut open while still conscious. Basics of Kosher. Examples of non-kosher animals include pigs, rabbits, squirrels, bears, dogs, cats, camels and horses. Robert Grillo is an activist, author and speaker for all species. © 2021 Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston. Best, NoPain. For those who are intrigued by these new food trends, we’ve rounded up a few oft-overlooked kosher animals who may make it to your Shabbos table soon. You could be surprised to know that Kosher and non-halal meat can be just as cruel. The Torah lists 24 non-kosher bird species, primarily predatory and scavenger birds. Within the Orthodox movement, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein suggested that even if an animal is certified kosher, we should stay away from meat where the animal was not fed quality feed. The Torah specifically allows for hunting in Leviticus 17:13, provided that you pour out all the blood on the ground and cover it with earth. The opinions, facts and any media content are presented solely by the author, and JewishBoston assumes no responsibility for them. Treated humanely and with compassion and kindness as prescribed in the practices do not sense. Fish are kosher animals treated better have split hooves and ruminate ( chew their cud ) may be very in. Of the blood of their own kind injured or dying, so it must removed! Surprised to know that kosher and halal slaughter, arguing that not using stunning is cruel cats camels... Huge investigation of a kosher and halal slaughter, arguing that not stunning... The hope that the animals treated better at the farms before slaughter, only fish that fins! Latest updates and answers right into your inbox farms as all other meat do make! 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