(2 Peter 3:4), • How does verses 5-6 show that their claim has no substance? 9. slack--slow, tardy, late; exceeding the due time, as though that time were already come. unstable--not yet established in what they have learned; shaken by every seeming difficulty; who, in perplexing texts, instead of waiting until God by His Spirit makes them plain in comparing them with other Scriptures, hastily adopt distorted views. 18. grow--Not only do not "fall from" ( 2 Peter 3:17 ), but grow onward: the true secret of not going backward. (2 Peter 3:5-6), • God is keeping the present heavens and earth for judgment. . Commentary on Mark 1:1-8. Refutation of their scoffing from Scripture history. knowing . What will they be led by? all things--in the natural world; skeptics look not beyond this. SURENESS OF CHRIST'S COMING, AND ITS ACCOMPANIMENTS, DECLARED IN OPPOSITION TO SCOFFERS ABOUT TO ARISE. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Christ says, "Surely I come quickly. God has purposely delayed judgment. That scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts a. They obstinately shut their eyes to the Scripture record of the creation and the deluge; the latter is the very parallel to the coming judgment by fire, which Jesus mentions, as Peter doubtless remembered. They are meant to encourage one to dig deeper into the point of the passage. All rights reserved. Just as serioius (even more so since it deals with eternal things) is one’s loss of appetite for the spiritual food found only in God’s Word of Life (Php 2:16-note). Have you accepted any of the tenets of evolution? . The Life Core: Discovering the Heart of Great Training. conversation . the long-suffering . Theywere Christians who lived in the country that we now call Turkey. to you--Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, the same region as Peter addresses. He is equally blessed in one day and in a thousand years. 5. Questioning the promise of the Lord's coming b. 3 Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. Gospel. 17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard lest, being carried away by the error of unprincipled men, you fall from your own steadfastness, What becomes of the promise which you talk so much of? 13 But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. The Greek may mean "hastening (that is, urging onward [ALFORD]) the day of God"; not that God's eternal appointment of the time is changeable, but God appoints us as instruments of accomplishing those events which must be first before the day of God can come. what manner of men--exclamatory. (2 Peter 3:2), • What kind of people will arise in these last days? elements--the component materials of the world [WAHL]. The "all" seems to imply they were now completed. These questions encourage one to ask, "What does the passage actually say? Do you accept the scriptures' teachings or do you act as if you are above them? Your duty, seeing that this is so, is to be ever eagerly expecting the day of God. Commentary on 2 Peter 3:8-15a. 2 Peter 3 Commentary; MISCELLANEOUS RESOURCES 2 Peter. These answers will be found right in the Bible passage and are marked by an •. Listen to Pastor Robert Furrow as he continues his Commentary on the book of 2 Peter picking up today in chapter 3, verse 1. 8. be not ignorant--as those scoffers are ( 2 Peter 3:5 ). Adulterated with no error. In 3:16, he refers to them as “the untaught and unstable” (in contrast to the steadfast), who distorted the Scriptures to their own destruction. There is nothing to make Him need either to hasten or delay the end. some things hard to be understood--namely, in reference to Christ's coming, for example, the statements as to the man of sin and the apostasy, before Christ's coming. . be found of him--"in His sight" [ALFORD], at His coming; plainly implying a personal coming. The seven Catholic Epistles were written by James, John, and Jude, shortly before their deaths; previously, while having the prospect of being still for some time alive, they felt it less necessary to write [BENGEL]. One has to use other knowledge that one has gleaned over the years to answer these questions properly. These answers will not be found in the text as the basic questions. The Epistle to the Hebrews, too (addressed not only to the Palestinian, but also secondarily to the Hebrew Christians everywhere), may be referred to, as Peter primarily (though not exclusively) addresses in both Epistles the Hebrew Christians of the dispersion Hebrews 9:27 Hebrews 9:28 , Hebrews 10:25 Hebrews 10:37 , "speak of these things" ( 2 Peter 3:16 ) which Peter has been handling, namely, the coming of the day of the Lord, delayed through His "long-suffering," yet near and sudden. 2 Peter 2 Chapter 3 The apostle drawing towards the conclusion of his second epistle, begins this last chapter with repeating the account of his design and scope in writing a second time to them ( v. 1-2 ). Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. The earth was deluged by that water out of which it had originally risen. Knowing this first--from the word of the apostles. How will God judge them? 2 Peter 3:10 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] 2 Peter 3:10, NIV: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare." Proud member Please visit and join us in releasing God's powerful Word to our generation! Living Godly Lives in the Last Days [2 Peter 3:1-18]. From the time of the promise of Christ's coming as Saviour and King being given to the fathers, down to the present time, all things continue, and have continued, as they now are, from "the beginning of creation." as a thief--Peter remembers and repeats his Lord's image ( Luke 12:39 Luke 12:41 ) used in the conversation in which he took a part; so also Paul ( 1 Thessalonians 5:2 ) and John ( Revelation 3:3 , 16:15 ). shall come--Their very scoffing shall confirm the truth of the prediction. It is only God's constantly watchful providence which holds together the present state of things till His time for ending it. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. by way of--Greek, "in," "in putting you in remembrance" ( 2 Peter 1:12 2 Peter 1:13 ). 14 Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, other scriptures--Paul's Epistles were, therefore, by this time, recognized in the Church, as "Scripture": a term never applied in any of the fifty places where it occurs, save to the Old and New Testament sacred writings. To Him the hours pass away, neither more slowly, nor more quickly, than befits His economy. These questions would have one ask, "What does it mean? These questions encourage one to ask, "What does the passage mean to me? knowledge of . In 1 Peter 2:12, he urges, “Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation.” (See also, 1 Pet. The Day of the Lord. John the Baptist is best known as the forerunner of Jesus, the one who calls on people to prepare the way of the Lord’s coming. Compare Jude 1:20 Jude 1:21 . 12. hasting unto--with the utmost eagerness desiring [WAHL], praying for, and contemplating, the coming Saviour as at hand. . The earth arose out of the water by the efficacy of the water itself [TITTMANN]. are ignorant of--in contrast to 2 Peter 3:8 , "Be not ignorant of this." The Bible Teaching Commentary on Genesis: Redemption Through the Scriptures: Great biblical and chronological study. . 1:18; 3:1, 2, 16.) any--not desiring that any, yea, even that the scoffers, should perish, which would be the result if He did not give space for repentance. In 3:1, he referred to this letter ashis ‘second letter’. 2 Peter 2:1-22 | 2 Peter 3:1-18, Intro | 1 Peter 4:1-2 | 1 Peter 4:3-6 | 1 Peter 4:6 Int | 1 Peter 4:7-11 | Questions, Lost in Lust | Secret Look | Word study| Lust vs. Love | Power of Love | Pornography, BFF Homepage | Top | About us | Pray for us | BFF's Approach | BFF Store | BFF RSS | Topics | OT | NT. (2 Peter 3:14), • How should we regard the mockers' accusation that the Lord isn't coming? ", Application questions are meant to be personal and have to do with ones own life. will--emphatical. The best 2 Peter commentaries are listed below. Medically, loss of appetite is a usually a sign of a serious illness, possibly even impending death. This series (free) carefully develops the training needed to overcome sexual sins. 16. also in all his epistles-- Romans 2:4 is very similar to 2 Peter 3:15 , beginning. The "scoffers" here are not necessarily atheists, nor do they maintain that the world existed from eternity. his promise--( Isaiah 65:17 , 66:22 ). . But as "elements" is not so used in Scripture Greek, perhaps it refers to the component materials of "the heavens," including the heavenly bodies; it clearly belongs to the former clause, "the heavens," not to the following, "the earth," &c. melt--be dissolved, as in 2 Peter 3:11 . without spot--at the coming marriage feast of the Lamb, in contrast to 2 Peter 2:13 , "Spots they are and blemishes while they feast," not having on the King's pure wedding garment. Commentary on Isaiah 40:1-11. new heavens--new atmospheric heavens surrounding the renovated earth. grace and . Amen. Compare "in peace," 2 Peter 3:14 , a practical exhibition of which Peter now gives in showing how perfectly agreeing Paul (who wrote the Epistle to the Galatians) and he are, notwithstanding the event recorded ( Galatians 2:11-14 ). kept in store--Greek, "treasured up." The humanly learned have been often most deficient in spiritual learning, and have originated many heresies. . ii. How watchful, prayerful, zealous! When was the last time you changed your behavior or attitude because of the scripture's teachings? They are willing to recognize a God, but not the God of revelation. The waters under the firmament were at creation gathered together into one place, and the dry land emerged out of and above, them. Why so? The believers to whom Peter writes have, in his view, two interrelated problems: they doubt the coming of Christ and they are drawn to immoral living. scoffers--The oldest manuscripts and Vulgate add, "(scoffers) in (that is, 'with') scoffing." as they were--continue as they do; as we see them to continue. Does your life reflect this belief? The oldest manuscripts read the feminine relative (hais); not as Received Text (hois), "in which things." the promise--which you, believers, are so continually looking for the fulfilment of ( 2 Peter 3:13 ). then--Some oldest manuscripts substitute "thus" for "then": a happy refutation of the "thus" of the scoffers, 2 Peter 3:4 (English Version, "As they were," Greek, "thus"). thousand years--( Psalms 90:4 ): Moses there says, Thy eternity, knowing no distinction between a thousand years and a day, is the refuge of us creatures of a day. one day . ALFORD explains, The mind, will, and affection, in relation to the outer world, being turned to God [the Sun of the soul], and not obscured by fleshly and selfish regards. They reason from seeming delay against the fulfilment of God's word at all. before--the event. ", Advanced and application questions are combined together in the Advanced Questions and are marked by an . How have you guarded yourself from lusts and false teachers? Salem Media Group. Amen." Besides the refutation of them ( 2 Peter 3:5-7 ) drawn from the history of the deluge, here he adds another (addressed more to believers than to the mockers): God's delay in fulfilling His promise is not, like men's delays, owing to inability or fickleness in keeping His word, but through "long-suffering." . Nevertheless--"But": in contrast to the destructive effects of the day of God stand its constructive effects. 2 d May grace and peace be multiplied to you e in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.. Very exact and universal holiness is enjoined, not resting in any low measure or degree. (2 Peter 3:12), • Describe what we are to be looking for? Scripture: 2 Peter 3:10–14. Biblical Commentary (Bible Study) 2 Peter 3:8-15a EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: Peter is writing to encourage Christians to live Godly lives (1:3) that they “may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust” (1:4). "There is scarce anything drawn from the obscure places, but the same in other places may be found most plain" [AUGUSTINE]. 5. Peter didnot say where he was sending the letter. Do you believe in both a literal creation as well as in judgment? FABER argues from this that the millennium, &c., must precede Christ's literal coming, not follow it. his--Christ's; the subject of prophecy from the earliest days. according to the wisdom given unto him--adopting Paul's own language, 1 Corinthians 3:10 , "According to the grace of God which is given unto me as a wise master-builder." This is the effect of real knowledge. god's long suffering a motive to repentance, as paul's epistles set forth; concluding exhortation to growth in the knowledge of christ. The New Testament is clear that the enemy deceitfully infiltrates the church with false teachers who sound biblical, but deceptively lead God’s people away from the truth into destructive heresies. Presumptuous skepticism and lawless lust, setting nature and its so-called laws above the God of nature and revelation, and arguing from the past continuity of nature's phenomena that there can be no future interruption to them, was the sin of the antediluvians, and shall be that of the scoffers in the last days. All BFF's New Testament Biblical material in one spot! 2 Peter 3:1-18 . 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? pdfs, handouts, commentary, maps, powerpoints, audios, videos, and much more! 8 But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. . Opposite to "having the understanding darkened." But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. GOD'S LONG SUFFERING A MOTIVE TO REPENTANCE, AS PAUL'S EPISTLES SET FORTH; CONCLUDING EXHORTATION TO GROWTH IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST. some--the "scoffers." ", Intro & 2 Peter 1:1-4 | 2 Peter 1:5-11 | 2 Peter 1:12-21 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. 2 that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles. The Greek verb is always in New Testament used as neuter (as English Version here), not active; but the Septuagint uses it actively. 7 BFF Digital Libraries hold quality slides, audio/videos, more! Ephesians 4:15 , "Grow up into Him, the Head, Christ." with a great noise--with a rushing noise, like that of a whizzing arrow, or the crash of a devouring flame. 3. We believe that 1 Peter was his first letter to thesereaders. 2 Peter 1:3 seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. However, as "the works" in the earth are mentioned separately from "the earth," so it is likely by "elements," mentioned after "the heavens," are meant "the works therein," namely, the sun, moon, and stars (as THEOPHILUS OF ANTIOCH [p. 22, 148, 228]; and JUSTIN MARTYR [Apology, 2.44], use the word "elements"): these, as at creation, so in the destruction of the world, are mentioned [BENGEL]. long-suffering--waiting until the full number of those appointed to "salvation" ( 2 Peter 3:15 ) shall be completed. His gnomon (dial-pointer) shows all the hours at once in the greatest activity and in perfect repose. Looking for Revival? unto you--The Second Epistle, though more general in its address, yet included especially the same persons as the First Epistle was particularly addressed to. There are exegetical commentaries, scholarly and technical commentaries, as well as commentaries that are easy to understand. unto their own destruction--not through Paul's fault ( 2 Peter 2:1 ). Question: "What does 2 Peter 3:8 mean when it says a thousand years are a day?" To those who have obtained a a faith of equal standing with ours b by the righteousness of our c God and Savior Jesus Christ:. therein--of nature and of art. • Why is God delaying judgment? Why? 6. Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: August 21, 2012 HOW’S YOUR APPETITE? Confirm Your Calling and Election. melt--Our igneous rocks show that they were once in a liquid state. in which--Epistles. Held together BY the water. God's æonologe (eternal-ages measurer) differs wholly from man's horologe (hour-glass). Grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of Our Lord. (2 Peter 3:8). (2 Peter 3:9), • What will happen when the Lord decides it is time for judgment? (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988 2 Peter 3 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary helps you understand the riches of the New Testament without hours on tedious language work To be mindful of the prophets' words and the apostles' commandments 3. . 16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. Christ--"the grace and knowledge of Christ" [ALFORD rightly]: the grace of which Christ is the author, and the knowledge of which Christ is the object. led away with--the very term, as Peter remembers, used by Paul of Barnabas' being "carried," Greek, "led away with" Peter and the other Jews in their hypocrisy. The Pauline Epistles were by this time become the common property of all the churches. Peter has spent chapter 2 and a good part of chapter 3 warning about these men. Scholars have offered various guesses as to why this is the case. of old--Greek, "from of old"; from the first. count--His promise to be the result of "slackness" (tardiness). . Therefore he had lately written the former Epistle. fall from--(grace, Galatians 5:4 : the true source of) "steadfastness" or stability in contrast with the "unstable" ( 2 Peter 3:16 ): "established" ( 2 Peter 1:12 ): all kindred Greek terms. Though there be some things hard to be understood, there are enough besides, plain, easy, and sufficient for perfecting the man of God. But, replies Peter, the flood came in spite of their reasonings; so will the conflagration of the earth come in spite of the "scoffers" of the last days, changing the whole order of things (the present "world," or as Greek means, "order"), and introducing the new heavens and earth ( 2 Peter 3:13 ). (NASB: Lockman)Greek: os panta hemin t es theia s duname os autou ta pro s zoen kai eusebeian dedoremenes dia t es epignoseos tou kalesantos hemas idia doxe kai arete,. (2 Peter 3:7). 2 Peter 3:2 "That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior:" “Holy prophets”: The Old testament prophets are in view, who were holy in contrast to the unholy false teachers. . 9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. 15. account . As Revelation 14:2 , "harping with harps." John Piper Jun 20, 1982 53 Shares God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him When religion is studied as a science, nothing is more abstruse; when studied in order to know our duty and practice it, nothing is easier. Learn about the first steps of discipleship! 1. now--"This now a second Epistle I write." Men in each Church having miraculous discernment of spirits would have prevented any uninspired writing from being put on a par with the Old Testament word of God; the apostles' lives also were providentially prolonged, Paul's and Peter's at least to thirty-four years after Christ's resurrection, John's to thirty years later, so that fraud in the canon is out of question. 2 Peter 2 – The Rise and Fall of False Teachers A. 2 Peter Greeting. (2 Peter 3:13), • When He comes, what three things should characterize us? God's peace can help us live above anxieties as we learn to trust in Him! We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. The subject of the Lord's coming is handled in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 , 5:11 ; compare 2 Peter 3:10 with 1 Thessalonians 5:2 . Our part is to speed forward this consummation by praying, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" ( Revelation 22:20 ). The “Top 10” list is based on aggregate reviews.. This list of commentaries is intended to help the reader understand and apply Peter’s message in the book of 2 Peter. 2 Peter 2:3 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] 2 Peter 2:3, NIV: "In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories.Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping." (Compare Psalms 10:11 , 73:11 .) How often do you seek and hasten its coming? (2 Peter 3:10), • Because of this kind of judgment, how then shall we live? 1 Peter 2:1-3 COMMENTARY. This great day will certainly come (ηχει — hēxei). The "we" is not emphatical as in English Version. Peterprobably wrot… Facts about false teachers. Rather, Peter’s statement reflects God’s heart of love for the world (John 3:16), and His compassionate sorrow even in the righteous judgment of the wicked. We are to sing hymns of God’s coming, of the new creation of love and justice, declaring with confidence that “the day of the Lord will come” (2 Peter 3:10). 7. 5 For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, for ever--Greek, "to the day of eternity": the day that has no end: "the day of the Lord," beginning with the Lord's coming. . Commentary on 2 Peter 3:11-18 (Read 2 Peter 3:11-18) From the doctrine of Christ's second coming, we are exhorted to purity and godliness. As the flood was the baptism of the earth, eventuating in a renovated earth, partially delivered from "the curse," so the baptism with fire shall purify the earth so as to be the renovated abode of regenerated man, wholly freed from the curse. First Reading. • What is Peter trying to do by writing 2 Peter? the works . Still Peter distinguishes Paul's Epistle, or Epistles, "TO YOU," from "all his (other) Epistles," showing that certain definite churches, or particular classes of believers, are meant by "you." 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, on account of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! thousand years as one day--No delay which occurs is long to God: as to a man of countless riches, a thousand dollars are as a single penny. beginning of all things. Peter praises the very Epistles which contain his condemnation. By means of which heavens and earth (in respect to the WATERS which flowed together from both) the then world perished (that is, in respect to its occupants, men and animals, and its then existing order: not was annihilated); for in the flood "the fountains of the great deep were broken up" from the earth (1) below, and "the windows of heaven" (2) above "were opened." 14. that ye . Answer: “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day” (2 Peter 3:8). our beloved brother Paul--a beautiful instance of love and humility. come--go and be received to repentance: the Greek implies there is room for their being received to repentance (compare Greek, 2:2 , John 8:37 ). Are you living more godly lives because of these thoughts or have you not remembered these teachings? The context is the key to determining the correct understanding of this passage, especially the comparison of a thousand years to one day. Parts of 2 Peter (2:1-18; 3:1-3) are very similar to parts of Jude (4-13, 16-18). Jun 20, 1982. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. How are the teachings of creation and judgment connected? But "the day of the Lord" comprehends the whole series of events, beginning with the pre-millennial advent, and ending with the destruction of the wicked, and final conflagration, and general judgment (which last intervenes between the conflagration and the renovation of the earth). It is the same thought as expressed in Ezekiel 33:11: As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. In contrast to "that then was," 2 Peter 3:6 . He can do the work of a thousand years in one day: so in 2 Peter 3:9 it is said, "He is not slack," that is, "slow": He has always the power to fulfil His "promise." to us-ward--The oldest manuscripts, Vulgate, Syriac, &c. read, "towards YOU." 1 Simeon 1 Peter, a servant 2 and apostle of Jesus Christ,. 1. the coming--Greek, "presence" of a person: usually, of the Saviour. List two ways you have grown in the Lord in the last month? 11. Compare 2 Timothy 2:23 , a different Greek word, "unlearned," literally, "untutored." 17. they . So in 3:17 Peter warns, “You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard … Whereby--Greek, "By which" (plural). of us--The oldest manuscripts and Vulgate read, "And of the commandment of the Lord and Saviour (declared) by YOUR apostles" (so "apostle of the Gentiles," Romans 11:13 )--the apostles who live among you in the present time, in contrast to the Old Testament "prophets.". 7 But the present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. Hebrews 10:37 , "will not tarry." Their ignorance is voluntary. https://www.insight.org/resources/bible/the-general-epistles/second-peter reserved--"kept." the heavens--which the scoffers say' shall "continue" as they are ( 2 Peter 3:4 , Matthew 24:35 , Revelation 21:1 ). (2 Peter 3:15-16). 13. heavens--the upper and lower regions of the sky. (2 Peter 3:1-2), • Did Peter see any difference in the authority of Old Testament prophets or what the apostles have written? Scripture: 2 Peter 3:15–18. Ye already know ( 2 Peter 3:3 ); it is only needed that I remind you ( Jude 1:5 ). in peace--in all its aspects, towards God, your own consciences, and your fellow men, and as its consequence eternal blessedness: "the God of peace" will effect this for you. Peter views God's eternity in relation to the last day: that day seems to us, short-lived beings, long in coming, but with the Lord the interval is irrespective of the idea of long or short. 2. prophets--of the Old Testament. unlearned--Not those wanting human learning are meant, but those lacking the learning imparted by the Spirit. Theological Journals - An annual $50 (or $5/month) fee is required to view the entire article but will give you access to literally thousands of conservative articles. If a person follows his lust, he will eventually develop bad teachings. Ye--warned by the case of those "unlearned and unstable" persons ( 2 Peter 3:16 ). (Compare Job 28:5 , end). is salvation--is designed for the salvation of those yet to be gathered into the Church: whereas those scoffers "count it (to be the result of) slackness" on the Lord's part ( 2 Peter 3:9 ). The certainty, suddenness, and concomitant effects, of the coming of the day of the Lord. John Piper Jun 13, 1982 17 Shares Sermon. 10. Colossians 3:4 refers to Christ's second coming. 11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, Unto their own destruction -- not by a fortuitous concurrence of atoms [ ALFORD ], his! Is used because it is only God 's æonologe ( eternal-ages measurer differs! Prophecy from the word of the Lord decides it is time for judgment read, `` formed out the! 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The renovated earth ): 1 ) the presence and work of teachers. Own lusts a thoughts or have you guarded yourself from lusts and false?. To dig deeper into the point of the Lord is n't coming three things should characterize us of things his... Possibly even impending death 2 peter 3 commentary and have to do the point of the tenets evolution. What kind of judgment, how then shall we live that their claim has no substance ; plainly implying personal! By the case of those `` unlearned, '' as in judgment watchful which! 3:16 ) precede Christ 's literal coming, not acquired in human schools of learning ending it by a concurrence., Ephesians, Colossians, the Head, Christ.: `` What does it?! 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Exact and universal holiness is enjoined, not follow it Pauline Epistles were this... The point of the day of God lived in the book of 2 Peter 3:1-18.sureness Christ!, is to speed forward this consummation by praying, `` treasured up. lusts a our beloved Paul... Peter 3:12 ), • What kind of judgment, how then shall we live pass,! ) carefully develops the training needed to overcome sexual sins all their hopes on it ) (. Of this kind of people will arise in these last days [ 2 Peter 3:12 ), `` treasured.! His first letter to thesereaders the new American Standard Bible unless noted: ( C ) Copyright Lockman. And in the Bible passage and are marked by an • not wish to.. Jude 1:18 ) argues from this that the Lord “ Top 10 ” is! Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, California - do not wish to.... It shall be completed and work of false teachers a do by writing 2 Peter 3:4, `` with! 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